Hahaha I looked at my control panel and saw, "Who Likes Short Shorts" with Sargeant Sarcasm next to it.
I agree... I don't know why, but I just don't find the Halo: Reach matchmaking that appealing. The maps aren't very good, armor abilities are not that fun, and it just isn't as good as Halo 3 in my opinion... I guess Fallout will have to suffice.
I hated Halo 3 Matchmaking. With Reach.. if no one's online I just jump into a match and have a blast. I love Reach, I just wish there were more gametype options. :/
I don't enjoy playing Reach very much period... its ok with friends, but the competitive aspect just seems totally gone from the game. I'm one of those people who is obsessed with keeping my k/d above 1, and every "fun" playlist is just a bunch of kill-stealing and bad armor abilities... I only play SWAT, Team Snipers, and Slayer Pro on rare occasions. The rest just isn't appealing in my opinion...
Not really, I just gave my reasoning for why I don't enjoy Reach... you can disagree as much as you like, but its still my opinion.