Please tell me you are not ****ing blue. And if you are, at least tell me it is Halloween over there.
I'm Doctor Who for Halloween. I'm just sad is all, hence blue. I did get a tattoo over the weekend though.
No, just tired. Trying to wrap things up on the internet... Also this guy is my hero, I'm not joking. I really do admire his work.
Game protagonists are usually men. So Mirror's Edge must have had a reason why those chose a female lead. Was it more feasible to have a woman constantly running from conflict, as opposed to a man? Girls can't look after themselves the way a man can, is that it? Not to mention the sex appeal a female character brings. You just got a tattoo of sexism.
Actually I would argue that Mirror's Edge is not sexist. She isn't running from her problems. I'd argue that hand to hand combat shows more strength than gunfights, and you are encouraged not to use a gun. She isn't meant for sex appeal either, below is the character design next to what some... people... wanted. I'm glad they went with the one on the left.
Doesn't mean she wasn't drawn with the intention "lets get people aroused". Also, the one on the left is *way* more physically attractive, although I'm probably the only one who thinks that.
You're not, I find Faith attractive but not so much sexually. She seems like more of a person I would want to know versus someone like, say, Bayonetta is more just for sex, even if it is done for irony. I guess Lara Croft would be a better example.
B to C is the best size IMO Although A's are not bad either, and if it fits the body better, then it looks far more attractive.