Sandbox Powerhouse H3

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by A Fluffy Pillow, May 18, 2010.

  1. purpledinosaur0

    purpledinosaur0 Ancient
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    This map is more of an original map than the actual Powerhouse, and I would know this because I spent time helping him create this and went through multiple versions of the map with him. You have to admit that it looks wonderful and beautifully merged and created.

    However, I have no knowledge of gameplay and by reading a few comments, maybe it isn't that great? One thing that I don't like is how the team coming from the non-river side has to go through a teleporter to get to the rockets while the other team could come from multiple places.
  2. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
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    I reccomend changing the name, because this map seems to be more like its inspired by powerhouse, not a remake. Honestly i think it is beautiful, and it is well built, but thats about as far as it goes. The weapon layout is average at best and the spawns are really lopsided. The team that spawns by the river is essentially screwed in most gametypes. If you totally redid the spawns to make it more fair, balenced the weapon layout, and made it more halo 3 friendly this map could have quiet a future though. Because it touches greatness in a select few areas.
  3. Jeff66

    Jeff66 Ancient

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    This is an intersting map. I see why it would be called powerhouse, but the similarities between this and halo reach's powerhouse are few and far. I think it might be a good idea to change the name. However the gameplay looks like it would play well, the sym/asym gameplay changes look great. It has okay gameplay and good design. I agree with "This map is not very accurate." 6/10
  4. Fatgezzer724

    Fatgezzer724 Ancient
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    It bears a slight resemblence, but i don't remember their being a ghost on powerhouse, Its well designed though and could play well, I hope too see if people are going to make any more halo reach remakes.

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