this map is great for nades N spades and 2v2 but u can play whatever i guess but it will be tight. pretty much all this map is a big circle with an arena in the center with a bridge that holds the rocket launcher there are powerups in the fenceboxes that are on the second story of the box. here is the link for nades N spades and the map link. click link below for map: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Click link below for nades N spades: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing now then here are some pictures for ur enjoyment. here is the link if u missed it at the top: there is an updated version and it is called powercellV3
i love the interlocking on this map. some spots look sloppy a little. I will give it a 4/5 for the idea and gameplay
peanuthater 132 thanks i will get it cleaned up soon so its not as sloppy and any ideas that are cool please post and the best ones i will use in my map and give credit to u for ur ideas
Looks pretty cool actually. Quick tip though; don't put V1 in your title; it implies that you're still working on the map so people might not d/l it.
Nice job u should make the wall blocking u from getting outside the map taller so u cant grenade jump out of it.3/5
I think you should have some sort of aesthetically pleasing structure in the middle of your circle, i see on the top you have the bridge to get across but the bottom is very open, try interlocking a crate there or putting something in the middle.
The Interlocking looks very cool specially talking about the middle. Not many people chose to make a circular arena as I havn't seen one in a while. I think you did a very good job as far as intrelocking, inginuety and origonality go. However it looks like you could get out of the map with a simple grenade jump or he help of a team mate. This could effect the gameplay and the overall apperants of the map. This could easily be fixed though. While the map is new you could release a new version with multiple floors so it is impossable to escape. If you did I would definately download that and I think a lot of other people would DL that too. With what you allready did hear I think you did a pretty good job. Hope you take the advice and if you do good luck on v2. Good work though other than escaping the map (which s the only flaw I can see) I think you did a great job and the map looks fantastic!
I've played it with peanuthater 132, and it is a very fun map, there are some open spaces where it could be interlocked, but the gameplay is awesome. 70/100 - neatness. 97/100 - gameplay.
i ike the circle shap, and 2v2 it might be too big for, awesome map though, i think interlocking the outer wall, and if you have more double boxes putting another layer on it would put it over the top. 4.5/5
Looks good. I like the circle, but maybe add something else like another structure on the bridge. Looks good, though. 8/10.
inside is a bit sloppy, but, outside is great and the interlocking. I will give it a 4.5/5 for looks and gameplay.
I made the wall higher so its pretty hard to get out and that is thanks to GD27Bluedevil for the higher wall idea and also tried to add a box in the middle and i dont no wat to put on the bridge. the box in the center was