I was just wondering what people think a power wepon is? Is it a weapon that can kill a vehicle, or kill a person in one shot? Please answer the poll.
Well the power weapons of the game are Shotgun Sword Hammer Sniper Beam Rifle Rocket Laser Needler Brute Shot I'm pretty sure they're all classified as power weapons.
Your classifying it by how powerful the weapon is in relation to kill power. A power weapon should be any weapon that has can over power the average or starting weapons fairly easily. Otherwise, if all the weapons were power weapons, their would be no gap, and no one would call them power weapons.
The needler is a debatable power weapon, it's sort of a sub-power weapon. It has homing needles and a quick reload that makes it deadly. It's funny how that went from the crappiest weapon back in halo: ce and now it's a pretty good.
I would argue that the needler isn't a power weapon, you have to actually be able to use it properly to be effective with it in most cases, and it doesn't kill as quickly as, say, a rocket launcher or spartan laser. It's relative to the map you're on, as well. On Epitaph, the shotgun is most definitely a power, but on Valhalla, it can be next to useless if you're out in the open.
A power weapon is something that can kill someone with emmense damage and how easily it is used. The sword you just have to push right trigger once and aim at the general area of the person, evan their foot. Same with laser. You hardly aim with the needler too. But some weapons should have a title of skilled power weapons. The laser because of it's charging time. the sniper because you def have to aim with it. And the rocket launcher because of the amount of ammo and leading (you sometimes have to aim where the target is going before firing.)
Any weapon can be a power weapon, depending on what you place on a map. Power weapons have the capability to win or lose for your team. And thus are worth fighting for. As i said, any weapon can be a power weapon. Small maps usually have aroune 3.
i agree with you. each weapon has its own powerful side, it just needs to be given the right situation and conditions.
The other day i invited my friend to play halo with me... he dislikes it, he is a call of duty play. I tried explaining to him (while playing doubles) that the only way to win is to grab power weapons. He response "WTF" that is why he dislikes it.
I believe a power weapon is a weapon that can easily achieve a Medal above a Double Kill. This includes Rockets, Lasers, Shotguns, Swords, Fuel Rods, Hammers, and Turrets. I also count Snipers and Beam Rifles as Semi-Power Weapons because while it is possible to get a Medal above an Overkill, it takes skill as well as some luck to get such medals. I count Minor-Power Weapons as the Needler, Brute Shot, Sentinel Beam, and Mauler. They take lots of luck to get above a Double Kill, and the Mauler isn't on many maps, but they have the ability to do get above a Double Kill more than Common Weapons, which are basically every other weapon on Halo.