I think you'd be surprised how the map can change when the weapons aren't the "standard". Rockets are standard..sniper is standard. Splazer isn't. I'd serious test a splazer, maybe on the hill..I don't know your map but it could play out almost like controlling the hill on Vahala. I mean, I dunno maybe you think the sniper is too hard to use, but Splazer is not only for vehicles.
Can you show us some pics of your map, because that can let the community help more, because i don't know what the map looks like to suggest power weapon amounts
i know, i even use the splazer on construct cause i love it so much, and no my map isn't quite finished so you no has pics
Oh I know the Splazer is godly, though if you can't use it..than you can't. It's kinda like a 4-5, or 0 kills weapon. I rarely implement it in my maps, but whenever I do, it changes the play style and adds for some fun.
rocket launcher ussually spices things up and if ur map is big enough it wont dmonate so i say mabey a rocket and lzer...as long as there are no vehicles it will not kill all.
not laser, but maybe rockets, so basically it's rockets or sniper shotgun or sniper sentinel beam (definetly)
sentinel beam is godly, skip rocket and go covie sniper. Long respawn on it, through shotty on the hill with quicker respawn and larger access to BR's on the hill..try not to let them access a regenerator or bubble too close to the hill or they will dominate. Give a power drain to one side. You could possibly give a covie snipe to the hill and a human to the ground.
Haha thanks man, tell me how it goes..and whenever your ready to test, gimme a shout..your map sounds like its gona be cool.
ok, i have chosen the weapons, there is a central sentinel beam, and s hotgun which is in one of the pits, i gave the people on the hill a carbine, and there is a BR close by so they can defend it should they ever have to, the only equipment on the map is a regenerator, and the needler is the next most powerful weapon, thanks for your help guys, this thread may now be locked.