Power Surge

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by zombified panda, Jan 26, 2011.

  1. zombified panda

    zombified panda Forerunner

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    by Zombified Panda

    Blocked off jet pack tunnel.
    Removed kill zones from teleport's.
    Added Aesthetics.

    The covenants mission is to shut down the UNSC power grid so all outside communication will be LOST! We must stop them!

    Thank you to everyone who helped play test this map and for all the constructive criticism. This is my favorite of 3 maps because it has good weapon ballence, gameplay and the flow of the map is really fun! I now feel confident enough to post this map for everyone. I hope you enjoy it and I look forward to reading your feedback!

    Game Types:
    Neutral Bomb Assault
    One Bomb Assault
    Capture The Flag
    Multi Flag CTF
    Neutral Flag CTF
    One Flag CTF
    King Of The Hill
    Crazy King
    Classic Slayer
    Elite Slayer
    Slayer Pro

    Custom Gametype: Short Circuit

    (Custom Gametype)
    SHORT CIRCUIT: Two flags at a time, two minutes to collect flags, first one to 5 wins.


    x6 DMR
    x4 Assault Rifles
    x2 Grenade Launcher
    x2 Needler
    x2 Plasma Pistol
    x2 Magnum
    x2 Plasma Grenades
    x2 Hand Grenades
    x1 Shotgun
    x1 Concussion Rifle
    x1 Rocket Launcher
    (x1 Energy Sword- only for looks)

    Defending blue base on stockpile(Short Circuit)

    Behind the base is a lift..

    That takes you to the top!

    Inside each base is a health pack, grenade, magnum and a smile =)

    Trying to steal my flag... LOLZ!!

    Short cut to the opposite base..

    but watch out for..


    Infront of red base looking down at..

    The concussion hall way where..

    You can sneak to the other base or take..

    My new and improved wonkavator to the third floor as..

    A short cut to..

    The Rockets!!

    There's also lifts on either side of the 1st floor..

    Leading to 3rd floor next to the rocket bridge.

    1st floor next to..

    The shotgun hall, where there's..

    4 ways in.. 1 way out Bwahahahaha!

    I blocked off the jet pack tunnel and added more aesthetics.

    Armor lock guy.. we all hate you! lol, but you do kinda look bad ass in this pic!!

    Stinky head crossing middle bridge.

    A view from above, enjoy!
    #1 zombified panda, Jan 26, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2011
  2. firedrone8

    firedrone8 Forerunner

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    looks really cool. I also had an idea with kill ball, but it was more centered on that idea of killballs. I'm sorry though, you have way to many things on the map, might want to take out the teleporters(lasers) because 1. too much stuff 2. that would be so annoying and takes some competitiveness out of the map. It also would kill all those people who play on the map, and havent read the post. at least a moving killball is self-explanatory. nice map. good pics.

    you also might want to think about changing the lighting. it really takes away from the map. and in the picture you show your air vent. the struts are different colored. thats a no-no. gotta keep consistency. thats what i meant about the lighting the lights are fine. but the sword is a waste of money. well, it just doesnt fit in. just leave the glass so you can see through. and take out the vent. please. Jet packing only areas are stupid, and makes this a casual map, not competitive. and I think the map would be neater if you took out some of the unnecesary street cones.

    actually, theres just way to much clutter. See those objective markers in the picture next to the health pack? thats unneeded. and it doesnt fit in. Yeah it sounds like i hate this map, doesn't it? I don't. This map is awesome, and im just trying to help.
  3. Confused Flamingo

    Confused Flamingo Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Very nice.

    I'd encourge anyone to download this, if not to play, than at least to view the beautifully crafted aesthetic electronic feel.

    This map actually makes you feel as if you're playing inside of an electrical appliance, seriously. The symmetricality of it flows nicely with stockpile, but it looks like it would work fluidly with MLG as well. The assorted hazards, however, may be an issue with some of the more competitive players, but overall, they do add a nice aesthetic syndicate to the layout. The shotgun hall was a bit adventurous, seeing as one-way choke point funnels aren't currently used that often, but it seems to function without too much error.

    Firedrone, I do agree with you on the vent, but the sword is his signature touch. And besides, it really fits the electric theme well, eh?

    I'm just starting to get the strangest feeling that I'm that armor lock guy...
    #3 Confused Flamingo, Jan 26, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2011
  4. zombified panda

    zombified panda Forerunner

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    I updated Power Surge to accommodate the 2v2 throwdown
    longer spawn time for rockets and shotgun.
    Removed Jet pack tunnel (sad face).
    Removed kill zones for the lazer beams, now they're just for looks.
    Added Aesthetic's.
    Plus minor tweaks.
  5. Therenownedpuppy

    Therenownedpuppy Promethean

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    And what are those "minor tweaks"?
  6. zombified panda

    zombified panda Forerunner

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    i dont even remember, this was one of my first maps in reach..

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