This was from a forwarded e-mail I recieved. I have to say, I beleived it, but it did sound fishy. It is a hoax, as I see now... Um... yeah. I Personally, I wouldn't believe that, but if you want to... And that Sector Zero stuff is crap lol.
Lol... okay. I am still going to "BE ALERT!!!! AHHHHH!!!!" Okay, well I don't know what to beleive. Still won't open any emails, though. Thanks.
Okay well to calm your fears read this: I got the same email in February stating that so thats not right. Secondly, why would CNN be announcing a computer virus? Third, theres no such place called "Sector Zero" in windows, in fact, most important info is kept in a folder labeled "WINDOWS". Finally, just plain doesn't make sense, unless the virus has teh ability to set fires inside your computer (it can't).
Yea, usually when these "e-mail alerts" circulate around the internet asking you to forward it to everyone you know, it's either a hoax or a virus itself.
SEND IT TO 10 FRIENDS BY MIDNIGHT OR YOUR COMPUTER WILL EXPLODE!!!! Or, get a Mac. That works. Tell you what. If someone gets that email, have them forward it to me. I'll open it. If my computer says "i can't open it, it's not an image," then hah. Then again, look at this:
Blah blah blah... Macs "don't get viruses." I am sorry, but that statement makes me chuckle every time I hear it. You do realize that isn't true anymore. They didn't used to because they weren't very popular. So when Apple started the "WE DON'T GET VIRUSES!!!" campaign in the beginning, it was true. Now, they are popular, thus viruses are designed for Macs. But, whatever... let's not get off topic. I do not really care. Seems like this is an old hoax. And assuming there are multiple versions of it that have been circulating for years, it sure seems like it. And when they say "Norton confirmed it" it is probabally fake. But about the Snopes thing, it even mentioned that in the email. I say it's a hoax, but it gave me a scare. Also, the first time I read it, it just sounded ridiculous. I mean, ZERO SECTOR??? Lol... thanks for the help Techno...
This is a hoax. I spend a fair amount of time screwing around with people that send hoaxes and spam, so I'm pretty sure. Besides, wtf? These people have no imagination, nor any computer experience. Viruses don't propagate if they delete the computer information. Idiots.
I heard of this really ridiculous Virus hoax that, for some reason, many people actually believed. I don't think you guys will.