Woahh nice room FBU, how did you get that effect? Glow in the dark stickers and UV light, or what? Totally digging your room, but how do you get to sleep? -.-
Hah I'd love to be able to post a picture of my pathetic gaming setup at my uni flat, fbu's just blows it out of the water. BTW, is that battersea power station above your bed?
You might want to turn down the volume its kinda loud...( and btw this is only my room not my game room also, i'll post that later though. View My Video
I totally want FBU's room... He's inspired me to do something crazy liek that for mine =D I'll post some photos of my **** tomorrow maybe =]
I was sad for a totally different reason. Also my grandpa was a **** and made me laugh before he took the picture.
Bump [mouseoverimage=http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/308400_209256535811725_100001821403426_507069_441237675_n.jpg]http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/319624_208985672505478_100001821403426_506191_1257990044_n.jpg[/mouseoverimage] Mouseovertime! I worked on this last weekend, and now it hangs in my new flat. The batman logo is made out of a thin wooden board, with a wooden mounting and a couple of LEDs on the back (you can see them when you mouseover the picture). Next to the batman sybol there are pictures of my closest friends and family, I only see some of them on the weekend, since I live and work about an hour away from them.