This is my baby chillen at my apartment. His name is Raymond, and yes everybody loves Raymond, he also goes by Lil Ray, but thats his raper name! Oh and the girl is ****ing wasted.
I have 5 parrots lol A small picture of "Jocko" the quiet and bitey parrot "Jaffa" the biggest but youngest parrot A very old picture of "benny" the scared, tiny, vicious parrot A huge picture of Lilley the slightly mad parrot And last but definetly not least "smokey" the most awesome biker parrot in town! Well there my pets, I also have four chickens but there just for making eggs lol.
I love Siberian huskies, I have a Siberian Husky puppy. Hera (Siberian Husky) Thunder (Husky/lab mix) :3
Siberian Huskies rule. I want one, but my cat has problems with getting along with other pets. It took her a year to get used to our chocolate lab, Macy. A purebred chocolate lab, at that. No pics, though.
This isn't my cat but it looks just like it It's a Black American Shorthair. I would take a picture of my cat but It is afraid of me, The contrast is always messed up and you cant see it, and I cant find it right now.
wait... Your dog is a rapist? Ö here is mah cat Neo when he was a kitten. He's the black one. We had to give his two sisters to our cousins ]:
Ger damm big pictures tryin to take my internet. I have no pet, but I'm hopefully going to get a bunny in two weeks or so. When I do, you can expect me to Necro Spam the crap out of this thread.
I can't miss an opportunity to show off my new golden retriever, Bauer (yes, after Jack Bauer). Below is him at 8 weeks old. Below are some of him at 12 weeks (when we brought him home). Below is my 12 year old golden, Kira. Below is Bauer watching over the basketball court. He is currently being trained how to shoot Air Bud style. He is going to be one big dog.