Seeing as the "Post Your Desktop" thread exists, I thought I would post "Post Your PC Thread." Rules: 1) Macs are pc's 2) No posting your specs. We all know how important numbers are to you, but some numbers may make others feel inadequate, or gain a belief that you are compensating for being inadequate. 3) Post ur pretty picturez hear. ME: Workstation: Spoiler Workstation 2: (the plastic bag contains an emergency teabag, and instructions on the creation of nice tea) Spoiler Boxasaurus Rex Spoiler Mic Stand (old): Spoiler Mic Stand (new) Spoiler (the bit at the top clamps them in place, and it swivels open to release the headset Yeh. Deal with it. I have a microphone stand made of K-Nex. I'm too cool not to. I didn't bother to take a picture of my subwoofer. I just got the munchies to use my camera again. Been trying out some new settings indoors. It's suprisingly bad indoors, but whatever. Anyway, have fun!