ahahahah i love you squid. Tis true though, many of us true men do play xbox in the nude. annnd actually, tdf may be tied with me for most exact avatar. his is scary close.
The thought never came to mind. That is Brilliant though, I blame the OP for not putting that in the first place. I shall re-put mine later when I get home and stuff.
you lazies can go to my profile and put two and two together. Psh, comparison pictures. and tdf, squid just hardcore killed the fire of your comparison picture concept. That is the best thing i've seen all day. lmfao.
Not to mention that his picture is offering us some cake, what did TDF's do? Just give us a Serious Stare myspace pose Squid wins this random out of nowere round of pictureness.
This fails as a comparison image. In the real picture, you're wearing a white t-shirt while in the avatar, it's blue. And sun glasses are basically cheating, you could have chick eyes under there in your avatar for all we know. lollll.
alright, either this is attempted humor, or you're actually a priest/child rapist. That's creepy dude.