Post your map sketches here! Give and get critique

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by DC, Aug 9, 2012.

  1. DC

    DC Ancient
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    Well from what i can see itd look like pretty repetitive gameplay depending on if you put structures in the middle, a tunnel for infantry and small vehicles would be interesting, like isolation from h3, and something to break up the empty space
  2. theSpinCycle

    theSpinCycle Halo Reach Era
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    It looks rather open, but since it's basic I suppose that's almost a given. Also, it looks like the vehicle circuit needs to be more defined. Any more open then that and it becomes a wide open field :p That is, unless it's not to scale. Which is entirely possible.

    That's all I can see with my untrained eyes.
  3. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Well, I made some more slight changes to the layout of my sketch. Had a few spots I didnt like. Heres a pic


    Purple dot is a lift from the lower level to the upper level. I added a ramp from that area up the the room to the left. I kept the drop down and the bridge and am debating a ramp the the room on the left. Changed the possible teleporter to the top right and also changed the bottom left area with the other possible tele (yellow dot). The green dots are still possible power weapons but still not dead set which spots will be designated.

    Heres the pic with the labels
    I know the top left corner has the random level change, I have it though because I felt like it was too large an area to be the same height so I figured I could add a low roof there to make it some type of a power position or something. Not sure yet, but I would love any type of feedback or suggestions.
    #223 Zombievillan, Oct 26, 2012
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2012
  4. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    It looks to be a very nice playspace Zombie... very detailed, with lots of height variance. It seems rather room based at a glance, but I can't really tell what you can see from where.

    It also looks to be a lot larger than the typical 1v1/2v2 maps you see these days, so with it's current scale, is this a 4v4 map?
  5. theSpinCycle

    theSpinCycle Halo Reach Era
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    Zombie, I don't see anything wrong with it, but I have some questions.

    What's the purpose of the 1 area in the bottom left? It's pretty low and doesn't seem to have an incentive to head over there.

    Also in the bottom left, what purpose does the death pit serve?

    Related to Stevo's post, is it supposed to be a 1v1/2v2 for H4?

    EDIT: Trololol triangle map with tons of eraser marks all over the place because I didn't redo the sketch...

    For some reason this map doesn't feel right to me.. and +1 rep to whoever can find the triangle and pencil sharpener. :p

    Top is blurry, sorry :( Also reduced the definition of the sketch so that it didn't cost too many pretty pennies. Also forgot to put in the receiver node - it's in the sniper room. If the sketch is annoying I'll do it over in Paint - there isn't much overlap. Numbers are height elevations, from low to high.

    Ignore the weapon set for now, it's retarded and makes no sense, but the weapon positions will probably be the same.

    #225 theSpinCycle, Oct 27, 2012
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2012
  6. Auburn

    Auburn a dope soul
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I dun see no triangle, you lose.

    That's a pretty unique figure to design around though. The immediate problems I have are the lift from five to camo, and the bottom floor in that you can constantly circle around without making any serious height changes. Almost like Zealot although this is only on the bottom floor, thus isn't that big of a deal.

    Where's the reciever?
  7. theSpinCycle

    theSpinCycle Halo Reach Era
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    -1 Rep (JK, thanks for feedback)

    What's wrong with the lift from 5 to camo? O_O not sure what you mean.. I've also been thinking about making it possible to jump from 4 into the camo lift and lowering the camo plat.. (which is the pencil sharpener, Goat)

    Also, if this is what you're trying to say, the bottom floor isn't supposed to be a dead zone b/c there's no ever-high donut to go around on the top floor.

    Receiver is by the location labeled sniper.
  8. Auburn

    Auburn a dope soul
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Ah, nevermind. I didn't know camo was five levels up.

    Nah, I'm saying that the bottom floor is a donut.
  9. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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    i poked myself in the eye a couple times, and then i saw the triangle
  10. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Well, with mine, I had 4v4 intentions but we'll see how it works out in H4. The death pit in bottom left is purely aesthetic, yet I may leave it without railing to make it somewhat a dangerous path, no sure yet. The bottom level is that low because I didn't want such a large area to be the same height, but if I raised that part there would be too long a LoS there.
  11. Dax

    Dax Mhmm.
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I like how the camo ledge is set up. I wouldn't move it down to 4. The top area would be entirely too advantageous by being able to jump back and forth. The added lines of sight would almost make the whole bottom floor a death trap. As to what you said about there being no "ever-high donut to go around on the top floor," maybe not around the outside of the map, but there is in the middle. It looks like someone can walk around the "semi donut" of level 4 and have the advantage over the whole rest of the map.

    Also, I wouldn't have a power weapon/powerup on the ledge where camo is now. It's already a power position, so getting a powerup to go with it would just be unfair :p

    It's definitely an interesting design, especially the camo ledge idea, I just think it needs some fixes. I have some more thoughts on it but I'm too lazy to write that much right now, I'll tell you later ;)
    #231 Dax, Oct 28, 2012
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2012
  12. theSpinCycle

    theSpinCycle Halo Reach Era
    Senior Member

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    Hmm.. what if I just put something much weaker than camo there? The ledge doesn't really make sense unless I put an incentive to go there, as you have to give away your (exposed) location to the entire map to get there..

    If the semi-donut is what I think it is, and you have to go over the sniper spawn to complete it, you have to drop to 2.5.

    EDIT: Developing a new design.. started concept mapping today. I think I'll sketch it up and post it tomorrow. On a side note, making angled things, esp. ramps is annnooooyyying.
  13. Dax

    Dax Mhmm.
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I think there's definitely still incentive to go there if there isn't a power weapon. It gives you a quick shortcut route across the map to flank your enemies, it's the highest point on the map and it has clear lines of sight all the way to sniper and GL corners.
  14. theSpinCycle

    theSpinCycle Halo Reach Era
    Senior Member

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    The view to GL is actually partially obstructed because it's a doorway through, but I get the point.

    I'm sketching this map out, and it's actually turning out to be rather big. Yay for infinisprint in h4.
  15. StolenMadWolf

    StolenMadWolf Promethean

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    We going to have to put this on the H4 discussion or some new varient of it...

    Anyways, I made a brief sketch on Commitment, a continuation of the work I've done since Endeavour. I know its a bit late and I will be making the map in H4, but I thought I would show the sketch before the launch.


    At first glance, Commitment seems almost identical to Endeavour and Tribute, but thanks to the budget there will be some new changes for H4.

    Since the GL has sadly been removed from H4, I havent really had much idea what will replace it. I plan to replace it with the Sticky Detonator, though this may change.

    With the Plasma Rifle and Repeater gone, they will likely be replaced by the Storm Rifle or the Supressor.

    As for the DMRs and NRs from reach. Several of the DMRs will be replaced by BRs, and the NRs replaced by Carbines.

    You may have noticed that the rather cheap 'concept art' on the side rooms, the plan is to increase the dancefloor on the upper level, but not fill in the space below, allowing a player to sneak past right beneath another players nose. As a result, it techantly makes it easier to fight players on the same level, but harder for a higher player to attack a lower one.

    The CPU may be replaced depending if it appears in H4 forge and if customs will allow it.
  16. theSpinCycle

    theSpinCycle Halo Reach Era
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    It looks like you have some dead ends and unused space, especially in the leftmost and rightmost rooms - you might want to fix it. Double ramps in the topmost and bottommost rooms seem awkward - there's nowhere to go from the ledge but back down in the same room..

    Other than that, it looks ok from what I can see.
  17. Auburn

    Auburn a dope soul
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I was actually thinking about doing that today, but I imagine getting it moved would be the best solution.

    I think the biggest problem with the design is a lack of movement because players are inclined to camp in one of the rooms. At least, that's how it was in the games that I have played on here.

    Placing a very large emphasis on weapon control would be your best bet on fixing that problem, in my opinion. With that said, it may benefit the map if you place a power weapon in each room, and semi-power weapons or other objects of value in the center room.

    I'll sketch some other suggestions in a sec.
  18. theSpinCycle

    theSpinCycle Halo Reach Era
    Senior Member

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    Why not make an entirely new thread? That might reduce clutter...

    Also, what's that bit on the top left of the sketch, wolf?
  19. Organite

    Organite Journalist
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    The reason I find it better to just move the thread is because a lot of these sketches are still applicable to H4.
    It seems better than just starting a new thread.
  20. Auburn

    Auburn a dope soul
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I think it's how he plans for that room to look. Hopefully those aren't pillars. *shivers*

    EDIT: Changed my mind, I'm just going to administer my paint skillz on your drawing. I have another suggestion that takes a concept from Gemini, but it's a little far out there.
    Red: This really applies to the whole room. Every entrance is coming from the same direction, which is another possible factor with the camping.
    Orange: No ramps / Flat like the rest of the ledge
    Yellow: Structure
    Green: Senders
    Grey: Recievers
    Purple: Just a thought that popped in my head. It might mess with the flow some, but it would be a good counter.
    Blue: Powaweaponz
    Brown: SemiPowaweaponz
    #240 Auburn, Nov 3, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2012

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