Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Mortarion, Jun 20, 2008.
Lol a cowboy pirate. Nice
Simple, and from the halo 3 lobby it almost looks like an upside down maple leaf.
lol ^i would have thought it looked like a wrapped gift. mine is my avatar
Haha now that you pointed that out it does look like a christmas present
What is it? Im guessing it's a cross and something else but I'm not sure
I'd say it's suited.
Yeah, A red cross, and I think the 7th Column is the other thing.
Here's mine, I think it's pretty unique. I've not seen anyone else with it anyway.
Mines in High Res.
mines in mah sig and it are awesome
I like yours Penguinish
I like it. Lol. Looks better in-game though, when it's smaller. I still like it like this though.