adding a new dimension to the thread: iPod Touch and iPhone home screens. To take a picture, press the sleep and home button at the same time, and the photo will go into your photo roll. The photos will then transfer to your computer upon syncing (for macs, they will go to your iphoto library and are available from the pictures submenu) first screen: second:
lucky you. Then your parents don't cut off your head if you have bad grades (I rarely do, but my siblings always did and it wasn't pretty). Cool trick I just randomly found out. If you zoom in on a picture in safari and then put it on the home screen, then it will show up as that picture on the home screen. Everyone probably already knows that, but I found it out on my own in less then a week.
always gotta have good o'll xfire on the desk if u have xfire hit me up my username is spartanz77 [/IMG]
I'm going to message all of your friends telling them you are a stalker/rapest. And I am going to mess with them a lot. Good job leaving that up there. :]