Go find a good theme, I use this one. You need to patch some system files. I'm assuming you have SP1, if so here's the correct files for you. http://www.withinwindows.com/uxthemes/Windows Vista/SP1/6.0.6001.18000_XX.rar If not, tell me. Some themes need other system files to be patched. But they usually come with the theme itself. If you're having difficulty implimenting the patched files into Vista, here's a good guide. How to Patch Windows Vista to Enable Custom Themes (Visual Styles) :: the How-To Geek My tip is to turn UAC on when doing it because it will make it easier to do. Did for me anyway. Here's another tip, I always hav UAC on, though I have it slightly modified, to be less annoying. It's actually pretty good now. Make User Account Control (UAC) Stop Blacking Out the Screen in Windows Vista :: the How-To Geek
Amen. **** the computer mouse, keyboards have been around since forever. For themes, I'd suggest using the default GTK engine that comes bundled with Ubuntu, as Compiz Fusion supports it very well. Or, you could install and use Emerald. The difference is that GTK tends to have nicer themes, but to make them you have to learn how to program them and ****. With Emerald, you can design your own themes in a GUI. Two good sites I go to for GTK and Emerald themes are Art.Gnome and Gnome Look. They also have themes/icons/wallpaper/etc. things for you to further change your appearance. To 'delete' the panel, you have to actually be really tricky. Either you can change the opacity through Compiz Fusion to always default it to zero, or you can edit the .conf file for the panel to shove the panel off-screen, effectively hiding it from view. I happen to like the default panel manager, but I've heard that there's a couple other panel managers you can use instead. Dunno what they're called though; you'd have to look it up yourself.
Thanks Nemi. I ask because I just found this: 10 Finger Licking Linux Desktop Themes | LinuxHaxor.net I also just partitioned my system so I can dual boot into vista and play some computer games.
yeah I'm looking for icons that are reflected but can't seem to find them, so if anyone has some link me to them.
That's the best screenshot you'll ever see bish. Srsly, the second I saw it on Bungie it was on my desktop.
At first it was just a white screen, but I thought I should make it Disturbed since they're coming to Winnipeg, and tickets were sold out in 4 days... What, did you expect something with cake?!