You must not have the settings set up. Whenever I load it, it brings me to my library, and I play it however I want. I never get any ads to buy an iPod though, are you not using an iPod with iTunes? I'd see why you would get that then. I never use the iTunes on my mac, but I always use it on my Dell. Actually, I think the reason why you're having problems with iTunes is because your using Linux, correct? Because Apple is making comps for Windows, rather than it's own startup, so they basically support Windows and their own startup.
No, Linux isn't the problem. I haven't bothered with it in Linux, when there are so many alternatives. I was more complaining about general bloat, slowness, the other programs forced with the update, the fact that it downloads the entire program on every update, etc... EDIT: Used it a bit when I was running only Windows, switched over to WMP because of support for my mp3 player, and never looked back. However, WMP isn't great either... EDIT 2: Heres my desktop:
I never installed it in Linux. I only used it with Windows. Linux has absolutely nothing to do with it.
You misunderstanding my question. I believe Nemi uses Linux, and iTunes doesn't support it. iTunes supports only Windows and Macs. My question was directed towards Nemi to see if the problem was because he was using Linux.
Ah, I see. iTunes would not even install under Linux. He may have tried it with WINE, but I highly doubt it. Apparently, the newest version does not work at all. Wine AppDB - iTunes 8 I just realised that a Windows or Mac user would be unfamiliar with WINE. WINE is a compatibility layer for Linux which allows many Windows programs to be run.
Where did you get those icons? I want. And yeah, I'm really wanting shapeshifter to come out on leopard so I can change the dock. Darn tiger users! Also, I've just simplified my dock even more. All that there is on it is Firefox and Thunderbird(Mail). I even renamed FF to internet and Thunderbird to mail, to further simplify it. I'd post a pic but I'm on my dad's shitty windows laptop, 50 Ks away from t3h macz0rz.
No, it's not advertising or whatever. It's just, I hate having to look at a media player that is screaming in my face, IPODS ARE THE NEW FUTURE! BUY ONE! WORSHIP STEVE JOBS! As for how I'm running it, I have it on XP. And I totally, totally loathe it. Winamp is pretty much the Messiah of music players. At least iTunes has a nice UI, even if it totally doesn't match with my theme. But WMP is fugly down to the bone. The program sucks to hell. I make it a point to uninstall WMP on every single Windows machine I install. I never really bothered trying to run iTunes on WINE, but then again, why should I? Banshee is the bestest. Besides, when I did need it, I ran it on either Dual Boot or Virtual Machine.
I wasn't trying to say you should run it on WINE, I was pointing out that it was unlikely that you were using iTunes on Linux. You should try foobar2000 on your Windows partition/machine (if you have one) Nice background. No tool bar?
Lolz, I don't have shape shifter because the trial is out and I don't feel like pirating it (I never do that anyway). and here's the link to the icons: InterfaceLIFT: Mac OS X Icons it has quite a bit of icons, but no trash one unfortunately
So how'd you get the dock over there on the right side, but still on the bottom? Also, ya can't see the dock bg. How? Unless you did that before your SS trial ran out.
OoOO. There are several programs that can do that. I used Onyx as I was trying to speed up my computer, but there are others that is all about changing the dock. To take away the background, I used Clear Dock, which is by the same people who made shape shifter. I think it's free as I still have it