hahaha this is getting hilarious, my theme looks nothing like any of the themes you posted. If I went by your logic then every theme is generic (including yours as it falls under the category of **** just like 90 percent of all the other themes I see). When did I say that it required programming skills to make a theme, the kid asked if I had them and I simply said yes because I do...... I really am having a hard time understanding any of your logic, though it could be because it is that of a five year old on crack.
understood..my apologies...but please, I have had you shoot me down before, and I didnt enjoy it...please, try and say it in a different way, and do it behind the scenes, as in report and remove thanks anyways for clarifying!
Okay look, you're inflating your apparent talents. You're taking the style and ideas and tweaking them slightly and calling them your own? According to you. That's just simply wrong... If I went and took someones map here and moved a few boxes around and called it my own I would likely be banned. Easy to understand now? Or are you mentally retarded...
Are you serious? Did you think or even look at my icons before you posted this? 1. He did not use the font bankgothic russ 2. His is all caps on the bottom mine is not 3. his font color is white mine is light gray 4. He has no outlines on any of the text, both the top and bottom of mine are outlined with black and then drop shadowed 5. The second line extends past the first, mine doesn't Stolen? Obviously not... Simular? You are pushing it Try again....
1. changing font takes no skill 2." caps """ 3. light gray and white... very different... 4.adding outlines """ (Since you might not know about the quotes i thought I would explain. They signify the same thing as above so #2. means "changing caps takes no skill", same on #4.)
I said that I am taking the styles and ideas of other people and making them my own? Link Please The only thing I did not make 100 percent is the miranda skin I stated this above, please learn to read. What you just said could apply to a pink cursive text icon. You are an idiot as well apparently. Obviously all text icons are stolen from the first one created years ago because as you said, changing the font takes not skill and color/style doesn't matter.
Attacking me for anything other then what we are discussing is obvious signs that you are loosing an argument. Seriously Double posting? ...go home kid your out of your league
We are talking about plagiarism, which your sig is nicely ripped, you call me a kid after saying that attacking about anything other than the discussion is a sign of losing, and also I don't feel I need to say anymore because enough has been said, you have been proven to be a stealing idiot.
You attacked me for double posting, I said you were a kid, I didn't attack you for being a kid. You apparently don't learn from your mistakes however bringing the fight to my sig which has nothing to do with any of this (are you running out of ideas?), it obviously wasn't made by me and was never claimed to be. Whats next did I steal my username, what about my avatar is that not really me? You guys didn't prove **** except that you are immature idiots with a jealousy streak. I honestly don't know why you guys are standing up for rainy, he started all this, you can go and check, and he got what was coming for him. Now he left (which was the smartest ability he has showed thus far) and I recommend you guys do too.
Wait what, do I see a contradiction here? First you say custom made, then you say it's the Miranda skin 'modified'... I don't get it, soon you'll be saying 'okay fine I just changed the font'... We just need to ware you down a bit more... Moron...
He hasn't gotten there yet, I think that space is reserved for Reyn and Yomtvraps xD I have never been jealous of you and I highly doubt I ever will be, I'm not dumb enough to get jealous over the internet about something copied and unimportant in real life. Also Reyn didn't leave, he's in a different time zone, so he probably had to work (GASP). Not necessarily standing up for "rainy" since I highly doubt I'm helping him in any way, but you will find plenty more people will support him over you.
I said the miranda skin was a heavily modified version of sutilglass in my second post dipshit. (so everyone knows that was the before rainbow started all this, after that post he said I stole it and that he had seen it before, neither of which has been backed up) ....and don't count on wareing me down, I may get bored of your stupid **** and leave, thats the luckiest you will get though. O yeah wheres my desk? You had all night to make it? I thought you only needed 20 minutes?
Well if you look back I showed you what your theme was made up of. Pretty basic stuff and if you honestly believed I would make a theme to prove myself right you have grossly misread my ability to care... I got over this stupid 'argument' a long time ago... So how about we just move on and stop spamming this otherwise fun thread. Seriously... I'm tired of your childish banter. Unless you actually have something new to add to your post, because let's face it, the last couple pages of posts you've made have been the same regurgitated points each time. It's not so much been an argument as a tiresome read of nonsense... I don't care about you enough to continue. I still think what you've done was pathetic and for you to not actually be able to prove you made it is pretty funny in itself. All you proven is you took a screenshot of it. You keep saying you made it and you want me to prove you otherwise by finding the exact same theme on the internet somewhere. Why should I search the entire internet for 'your' theme when you should have it on your computer somewhere, meaning the PSD's. All you've proven to us is you can take a screenshot. Show us a PSD and you've won, you made it. Infact I want you to have made it, I don't want another dishonest person here at FH. There are enough. So unless you can prove you made it then I don't believe you did. That's the basic assumption everyone should make on the net. PSD or it didn't happen. You could have proven me wrong the whole time, why haven't you? When it comes down to it, it's truly that simple.
Since the icons are what you proved me to have stolen why don't I just give you the psd to them, you are not gonna get any of my skins that's nonnegotiable. removed There you go I am not playing your game anymore....and you realize I gave you several chances to walk from this a long time ago. Next time don't say I stole something when my reputation says exactly the opposite. How do you think I feel when somebody says I stole it everytime I make something good, why do you think I quit making maps?