Object Dock fails. It's less customise-able and it actually slows your computer down a shitload. Desktop shown here with dock^ And again without the dock, which is how I usually have it.
I run objectdock on enhanced performance and I get zero slowdown, you must have a really shitty computer. Its also the least buggy out of all the docks and is the only one made by a real company.
It died... And, to tell you the truth, I just heard that from someone, it may be wrong. Don't trust me, I know nothing about downloadable docks, seeing as my mac already has one.
For my wallpaper, I just took 5 that I already owned and used my superior PS skillz to blend them together into an epic-er one.
no i have same resolution plus on pc its double that almost because my friends coputer is way worse than his i have a mac to and i depends on the number of items in your dock you dumb ****.
<insert 'I-didn't-understand-a-single-****ing-word-you-say-your-bizarre-lack-of-knowledge-of-how-the-screen-resolution-startles-me-kthxbai'> I'm going to try to understand what you said, but basically, you're saying that you have the same resolution (1024x640), and that on PC (I'm assuming he meant Windows) it's almost twice that (2048x1280 seems to be stretching it a bit) because your friend's computer is way worse than your friend's computer (wtf?) and that i(t), the screen resolution, depends on how many items are in your dock. Which isn't true, sadly. Also, I ****ing hate Deskscapes. The controls are possibly the worst I have ever had to deal with. And you can't even edit the skybox!
You are ****ING STUPID. Nothing depends on the number of items in your dock. You don't make sense. Use. Periods. Please! Also, your intelligence is flawed. Thanks.
lol, picture of my sisters and her friend and brother.Im gunna probaly change it tonight or something( note how i have this page up in the pic)
i would never put a picture of my sister as my desktop. thats werid. your werid. Wth man. comeon. jesus. nemi. what.