Um, my computer, networking, my documents, my downloads, my music, my movies, my pictures, idk, idk, idk, iTunes, photoshop, idk, idk, idk, idk, idk, idk, idk. I got the easy ones i guess...
It's ; My Computer / Network Folder / My Documents / My Downloads / My Music / My Videos / My Pictures / Pidgin / FrostWire / iTunes / Photoshop / MastelaRO / uTorrent / Command Prompt / Notepad / Control Panel / Turn off Screen / Recycle Bin
For you, Linu. Match that, and, by god, ****, you will be the definition of LEET. (I figured out how to hide the recycling bin, btw. )
Heeeeellll no. Though it would be awesome if I DID make it. You said you used Flash, riiight? What Ver. ?
5 but from school, I dont have it at home. I know there's a V8, I'm just waiting for my friend to give it to me.
Haha ok. I might need some help if you could kindly give to me, if I get my hands on flash... We are getting kinda offtopic right here. IRC or Profilechat? Mebbe PM?
yea you got itunes, and photoshop right.. lol its By XXDragon Itunes/Firefox/Bridge/Photoshop/Presets(So i can get to my Photoshop Brushes)/Fonts/Music/Desktop/Contol Panel
I take one picture a week from halo 3, and swap it out as my background. This is this week's. Yes, I have a lot of programs. I'm going to clean it out soon.
No it's not. 'Napalm' it's a very basic desktop effects program. Completely free and easy to use. Desktop Effects
oh ok.. lol napalm does the same writing thing but this one is better since its got the video wallpaper and stuff
I used to use windows sidebar.. i really want to use it, but i noticed it uses way to much of my cpu witch makes me sad. And i have a ****ing 2.2 dual core D:!!!!