Waii thankyou and umm no waiii. To large a file. Maybe latter. Vista. Wai thankyou, I don't have any specific site. I just pick them up as I find them. I only browse sexy sites though =P
Win Anyway, this isn't my account, as you can see by the shittiness and messiness of it, but here's my parents' account: And here's mine: Lol!
That's because they couldn't give a damn about wallpapers. Or anything else, for that matter. LOOK HOW MESSY THE DESKTOP IS!!!
Ahh take the pic down GWS. Mine was like that with my parents but I cleaned it up and now they ***** when they can't find a word document. ****ing use the search function on finder. The other day I hid the dock and they couldn't even find it. Holy ****.
haha, they get pissed off. All they use it for is email and word. Why not just buy a a phone and leave me alone (then again...the phone might be too complicated).
I like. It gives a good explanation and is funny. But you should have added how Skitch takes the pictures for you...
meh I don't like landscape desktops. Idk why. Here's mine. by the way, camino shits on safari. Go download it. I love it. I only left safari on because my parents. edit: when tex wakes up he's going to infract us all. uh ohh
Inorite. Too bad you only have Tiger, not Leopard. And put away the ****, you're desktop's ****ing messy! At least before I new how to hide the Macintosh HD I made it smaller. Go to finder - preferences - (insert lots of hiding here)
Interfacelift.com And yes, to hide the Mac HD, click on finder next to the apple up the top, and untick Show Hard Disks, Externals Disks, etc.
I like my HD there. and my gimp won't find my brushes unless it's on the 'top. Idk why. It's the folder titled 's'