iTunes in the far background Messenger to the left Firefox on the main [Minimised] And nothing on the right one. For now xD
what do you use to make it do that? lol, please dont just say "google is your friend" or some **** like that
It's called DeskSpace However if you want it for free you will have to use alternate download methods. The homepage will give you a 14 day free trial. But I didn't get my copy from the official site.
I used to have Yod'm but the newer [renamed] version is more stable and smoother. You'd expect it to be if you have to pay for it. And if I can acquire the newer version for free then why not =]
Thanks.. Woot Cubed Desktop Front Left: Firefox Front Right: Itunes Back Lefthotoshop Back Right:Messanger
EEEEVILLLL!!! I'll show you my desktop: Anyway, visit page 3, 4 and 5 of this thread for some good arguments on the mac case. Me, Vinny and chrstphrbrnnn offer some winly stuff. Here: Start right there and keep reading.
Fine. I guess it's time to pull out my secret weapon. BEHOLD! The most ridiculous thing I can do with desktop 'cubes'! That's 12 screens, by the way.
Holy **** nemi.. thats like the ****ing halo ring of desktops what the **** did you do to that poor cube?
I sexed it. =D Halo ring, eh? Sounds like a cool idea, actually. If only I could paint the interior of the ring differently than the exterior.
Inorite That's not even my desktop anymore Mine's all pinky and hawt now But I'm nowhere near my mac right now BTW, print screen on a PC. HOW?