I was too when I got my new computer. Now I couldnt go back to my old one. Heres my current desk: Half of the clouds and background you see are fake.
Does anyone get why Apple doesn't let you install Mac OSX onto anything but Macs? That's retarded. I had this awesome idea planned out. It would've been like me emulating Windows XP, Vista, and Mac OSX Leopard on my Ubuntu. Dammit. Some newer screenies, so I feel justified in posting. My BG automatically changes every minute.
The writing reads: MY MAC SMELLS LIKE CATFOOD I just thought I'd clarify seeing how cluttered my desktop is. Macs ftw!
There is an option when you right click on your desktop, point to view and the option to hide all the clutter is: Show Desktop Icons. Just click that. Found that out a few months ago while playing with Vista.
^ I hides them from you. Nemi thinks he's all fancy with his Ubuntu, pshh. I actually have it at home and I'll install it when I get back from vacation. Its works really nice for almost everything I do. (Macs have just been officialy declared useless.) I know that it has even more options for customizing then windows (and way more then mac) but I dont know how. Do you know of any guides? And can you run photoshop on it? Edit: Felt like making a Ubuntu desk, so I did. Its simple (I like simple things) but I wont use it because I'm running windows.
Trying out some stuff... I have a program that changes my desktop to something diffrent every 12 hours.
I spent quite a while changing everything. It was worth it. My desktop hasn't looked this good in a while.
Of course it has more than windows. Windows doesn't have ANY! It's obvious you've never used a Mac, and those friends you talked about know nothing about them.
I own one of those brand new iMacs, the sleek shiny trendy that you mac fans adore. I dont like it, and thats my opinion. Now go away.