Day #1: 1640 Day #2: 1612 Day #3: 1704 (Everyone of my teammates left, Plus Perfection!) Day #4: 1456 (Im Sick) Kinda Sucks how it restarts every day!
Ah, fixed my disc tray and played some very exciting games on Powerhouse. Averaged 1663 and got 1677 on this game. : Reach : Game Details. Hoping I can get above 1700 like Theorem and should get a division ranking tomorrow.
I'm not just Roger Clemens, I'm Roger Clemens on ster... hey wait a minute... goddamn baseball players screwing with my metaphors. And yes, I'm still Onyx. Still doing mostly in the low 1600's per win, mid 1500's per loss. I don't even try for power weapons except for the focus rifle, which accounts for my extremely consistent but not incredible scoring. I'll pick up a shotgun, hammer, or sword if they're available, but mostly I call their locations out and let a teammate with more patience/desire to camp an area with them get them. In the 25 games shown on the front of my profile, only 5 were games where my rating did not earn me a spot in the top 4, and thus a rank up in the invisible trueskill system that determines division. My team lost 10 of those games.
tbh i did pretty awesome on the first day that i played arena and since then ive be doing terrible ive been in the 1600's each day and ive done 3 full days. on my first day though, I only played 2 games and they were both in 1700's.. its a shame i didnt know how it worked and didnt finish off the day or i could be in gold division by now :/ havent got a division yet though :S
I figure im right on the fence between gold and silver, if im rght, gold is ~1650 a daily rating, and i average ~1630. Probably not gonna work on it anymore though, invasion is Waaay to fun to give up.
You're not right. Daily rating in no way determines your division. Trueskill does. I'm going to repost here a thread I started on the MLG forums to explain how it works. posted it here
Been hitting the upper 1600's every day, got a 4 star division but yesterday i got on and was a 3............. idk wtf i only lost 2 games day b4 and yesterday i won all my games. Bungie hates me.
Didn't play for a couple days, fell out of Onyx. I'm curious if most of the people in Onyx are playing many games every day, because that would confirm a concern that I have that the current system rewards people who play a lot over people who play a few games a day but have the same skill. I'm still getting about 1550 on a typical loss, and high 1500s to low 1600s per win, but now I'm in Gold. Daily ratings have been 1600-1640. --- Gold top 10% my final standing for the season.