I want to see what people can come up with if they just think for a second. It doesn't have to be made, but it can. Think up a switch that could work and post your idea here.
well i made a switch that when you step on a pallet, that pallet vibrates dumpsters which shoots a fusion coil blowing it up, that forcespawns another fusion coil on a teleporter reciever allowing someone to walk through the sender node. to undo this you grab a custom power up that drops a fusion coil on a grav lift destroying it, that forcespawns a gravlift which blows the coil off the reciever. is that a good enough switch?
I would really like to see a touch sensitive elevator. I was making a map and it had a barrier elevator. There was a warthog on the other side and when you pressed RB it moved a fusion coil force spawning a grav lift. But a weird thing was when I stepped onto the barrier it moved the warthog somehow. So yeah that would be cool.
This is a teleporter blocking switch, found in my soccer game. This is is how the point system works when the ball is in the net. This can be adapted and used to create lots of possiblilities. In smear the pinkie, i have a pallet which if broken, respawns in a different place and knocks fusion coils down to kill everyone. None of my games really feature any creative switches, just look at moon waffle if you wanna get switchifiecly dazzled.
Goatnuts420 makes some really sick switches. He made some where theres hinge doors, and all kinds of really neat switches. Just look him up on the search bar above! ^ And also, look up the invisible trigger switch, i think its called, it is a really cool switch, that when you walk on a certain area, it vibrates a truck, which hits a barrel, which hits he dumpsteer which instantly shoots the dumpster at you, and you dont even expect it! just look them up, there really cool switches!