Sad I loved taking down aircraft with the shopper but I'm sure bungie has a worthy replacement. FORKY!!!!!
the revenant is looking more like a mini wraith that is red an fires red mortors but it is two seater i'm pretty sure. In one of the videos for forge world I watched they show the revenant shooting at a worthog. I want a real Spectre in halo reach though, You can still say "GET TO DA CHOPPA" in halo reach because the Falcon pretty much is a helicopter.
Yeah i read that and i watched the video closely, it was a ghost i think it was just graphics error that made the bolts look yellow. Oh well the game is gona be awesome regardless, and well lets face it unless they give us another sandbox or sandtrap the chopper just won't cut it in Forerunner cause it just looks like it don't fit. I'm happy with the ghost and warthog, oh and the Revenant cause that just sounds bad ass.
Possibly one of the reasons for eliminating it. I'm sure there will be some kind of near replacement.