This is possible proof that the Banshee in the final game can hover. This would be a good thing, because: 1: Makes it more of an even footing with the Falcon. 2: Fits with canon (Halo Wars, Halo CE. Both had hovering Banshees.). Anyway, check out this vid from Go to 4:25 to see the Banshee, on the Multiplayer map known as Spire. <SPOILERS!> Halo: Reach Campaign Hands-On - Xbox 360 Previews at GameSpot As you can see, the exact same design as in the beta. Note how the wings look in that scene. Now look at this photo from Campaign. As you can see, the wings are different. They have separated and rotated, and are now aimed upwards. And I know what you guys will say next. "The Banshees do that when they do their aerial maneuvers!" However, as you can see here, there's two Banshees here, with wings looking exactly the same. It's highly unlikely that they're flipping in tandem, unless they're performing synchronized flying. Also, when Banshees maneuver, they leave trails in the air. Neither Banshee has a trail behind them, hinting that they're not even moving. So, the Banshees are not moving, with wings aimed upwards. Similar to the Harrier jet, which is an aircraft that hovers... So, what do you guys think? Comment below, please don't flame if you disagree. Please just say that you disagree.
4:25 in the video: Banshee looks and works exactly the same. Wow another thread about the new banshee image. Has no one seen this?
what he said ^ but can i just point a flaw in your title. There is no way there can 'possibly' be 'proof'. It's either proof or it's not proof. And one still-image can not prove how a vehicle moves. Also, the video disproves that banshees hover rather than proves it; if it could hover, the guy controlling the banshee wouldn't have crashed it into the warthog. Sorry, I just don't see where you got your idea of hovering banshee's from, and yes I have read the whole thread.
So you commented about this on the first useless banshee thread.... then an hour later made this thread? Hmmm...
It mayfunction similar to the Falcon. The Falcon has a "Hold RB to lock altitude" button. The Banshee may have a "Hold RB to hover" button. Also, it may be Campaign only. For example, the Falcon has a chin gun in Campaign, but not in Multiplayer.