just seen a vid on youtube where you glitch just outside of foundry. while he was moving around, i spotted quite a big space for forging. Im not the best at glitching but does anyone else wanna try?
that 'huge' open space cannot be accessed without death in the end. No matter how much you may try, that space can never be used for play
outside of foundry there are death barriers leaving a vary narrow space to forge. i would have to look at the vid to see what spot you are talking about
i tried to make a map be able to go under the map by teletapping a node through the floor. it worked but when i was holding it and my friend tried to go through, it kept saying it was blocked.
iuno, i think it makes forge more fun by have to find glitches around problems. And besides, it would be really complicated to do stuff if they were all controller commands.