Posible new forge glitch

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Teaco27, Dec 16, 2008.

  1. Teaco27

    Teaco27 Ancient
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    Ok, hey, stick with me on this one, it may seem a little off topic at first but just wait for the point. I just randomly remembered something from the first time i ever played forge, like the third time i played halo 3. we were playing around on last resort. my friend made a infinite explosion with instant respawn fusion coils and propane tanks. I, flouted open containers and containers over the explosion. we did this for like an hour or so until we switched to sand trap. this is were it gets weird. when i pulled up the forge menu, i could spawn open containers and containers, but, i didn't know this was abnormal at the time so we didn't save the map. first i was wondering if anyone else has had something silmlaler happen, and i thought maybe it could be repeated on a different map. this would open many new possibility. also keep in mind that this was pre DLC so it may have been taken out by now.
    Thanks for reading and drop a post with your thoughts
  2. Phreakie

    Phreakie Ancient
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    ...dude...Last resort has open containers and closed containers. They just arent movable. facepalm...
  3. Ak Gumby

    Ak Gumby Ancient
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    No, he's saying he left Last Resort then went to Sandtrap and was able to spawn the open and closed containers. He wasn't talking about how they were movable.
  4. Psycho

    Psycho Ancient
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    Can you do it again?
  5. zackj191

    zackj191 Ancient
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    If you can find out how to replicate this this may be a HUGE forge advantage! Think of HUGE floating bases on Sand Trap or a unmovvable bridge on rannows on the non-mancannon side!!
  6. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Pics, or it didn't happen.

    As awesome as this sounds, it doesn't seem likely. I'd like evidence before swallow up any story.
  7. Psycho

    Psycho Ancient
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    If true, and if you could do it again, this might be one of the biggest forge discoveries ever. Imagine the possibilities. It would open up whole new ideas on pre-dlc maps.
  8. maddflash

    maddflash Ancient
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    How would the containers ram memory interfere with Sandtrap's forgelist? I dont think it can go "o hai i r in ur sandtrapz naio"
  9. Dthen

    Dthen Ancient
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    I see no reason why not.. The textures etc. wouldn't be stored inside the map...
  10. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
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    Kinda reminds me of an old glitch in Halo 2 where you could have two people in the same party load up different maps: Each person would be on the map they selected and their friend would look like they were going through walls and stuff in each others game because they were on different maps. (Note: This was an extremely rare and unrepeated glitch, but there was proof!)

    Of course I'm still suspicious as to the validity of this particular claim about Forge, sounds highly improbable: It would be like loading up Epitaph, exiting the game, loading up Guardian and discovering that half of the map is Epitaph and half of the map is Guardian (That would be the best map ever, amirite?)
  11. Jpec07

    Jpec07 Ancient
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    Here's how you're gonna wanna test it:

    Find an XBox 360 that has never played Halo 3, and keep it unplugged from the internet (because then it won't have DLC or Title Updates, and I don't think it'll work otherwise), go to Last Resort, and see if you can replicate the circumstances of map to a T. Floating containers, infinte explosions, etc. Make sure you've also got a second profile running, as well.

    Then end the game while you're staring at the explosions. It should start to lag the XBox a little bit, especially if there are enough going off, and my guess is that this is what caused your alleged glitch. Load up Sandtrap and give it a go. If you have repeated your glitch, save the map, quit, and load it again to see if it's still there. If so, you've successfully made the next landmark breakthrough in Forge. If not, well, it was a once in a lifetime event that will likely never happen again.

    I've got a few ideas of things to try to make it work if at first it doesn't, but I imagine that such a monumental glitch would have been taken out through a Title Update, especially considering they made it so that the game's engines handle better when the console is under the stresses of heavy graphics processing...

    And yes, Buddha, Epian/Guarditaph would be freaking sweet...
  12. DMM White

    DMM White Ancient
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    I guess it would be possible, just very unlikely. I thought each map contained copies of its own objects.
    Look at the DLC shield doors. In the Heroic maps they will rest either the right way up or upside down. In the Legendary maps you can lay them at rest on their side as well.
    I don't think there is just 1 location for all the forge objects.

    If it is true though, it would be like starting a new chapter for pre-DLC forging!
  13. Boyle06

    Boyle06 Ancient
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    U need to explain a little better... If something like this happened n u can recreate it like everyone has been saying there my be some non DlC maps that dont suck explain EXACTLY WHAT HAPPENED... and then we might be able to try this oursleves... and please dont come in our forgehub tellin us liez if thats what this be
  14. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Why can't he just go into theater mode and take pics?
  15. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
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    This isn't possible. Once you quit a map, the previous game data is immediately separated. When you move to a different map, it loads completely different data up. If this was true, then multiple people would have found it out by now. I'm sure there are plenty of people who sit in maps blowing crap up for several hours, then move to different ones.

    Sorry dude, but you must have confused maps up.
  16. Orphanslayer92

    Orphanslayer92 Ancient
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    If you could get this to happen again, it would be the biggest discovery since merging and interlocking. I could imagine making some great maps using only the outside of epitaph or something.
  17. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    So basically you could make a huge fort in the air on sandtrap with unlimitted weapon containers, or am i comrehending this wrong.
    anyway that would be a huge advantage for forgers
  18. redearth

    redearth Ancient
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    Buddahcrane, u(r)ight, and if this was reversed... IMMOVABLE OBJECTS ON VALHALLA = BEST CAT AND MOUSE EVAH!
  19. Teaco27

    Teaco27 Ancient
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    Hey, sorry i didn't get back about this sooner. I will do my best to try to recreate this, and sorry about not having pix or videos because this hapend nearly a year ago on my friends Xbox. Also to specify we had three people playing, and the xbox was connected to live. It may be a wile before i can test it due to the fact that to recreate the circumstances i would have to find a xbox that has never played halo, but i will try. thanks for you feedback, and i will hope that i can recreate this and not some one time glitch or my brain wasn't getting fuzzy from the hours of halo, but i assure that the way i remember this, it did happen.. Thanks again.
  20. smitty0018

    smitty0018 Ancient
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    Could it be the fact that it was only the third time Halo was played on the map so there was no DLC installed or anything?

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