Poseidon By Paranoia UK By extracting oxygen directly from the ocean, this facility plays an integral role in regulating 'The Arks' atmoshere... Introduction Poseidon is my most recent map made in Halo: Reach's Forge. It is the third iteration of a map originally from my Halo 3 work. The first two are named Titan and Colossus and are made in Sandbox's skybubble. I have decided to recreate the map in Reach for a number of reasons. The main reason is that even though the map has had multiple versions already (one so different I felt it warranted a name change), I have never been truly happy with the outcome. The main focus of the original was to offer great gamplay rather than great aesthetics. This was a major change from my general forging trend at the time. Titan and Colossus delivered this fairly well but I felt there was a huyge void left from where my usual aesthetic touches would be. With the larger budget and greater palette made available to us with Forge 2.0 I felt now was a good time to redo the map the way ive always wanted to. The Build Forging this map has been relatively easy as right from the start I knew what the outcome had to be. To begin with I forged an exact remake (as close as possible with Reach's different palette). I then tackled the gameplay issues that were evident with the orignal maps. These inlcuded Spawn issues, Gametype issues and general issues with traverssing the map easily. I added two extra safe-spawn rooms and changed the original overlooking platfroms with the larger and nicer looking tower peices. Generally I dont like using the ready made buildings as it feels like cheating to me. I have however made and exception as they were the logical peices to use in order to promote good gameplay and aesthetics. Other additions include larger walkways with added cover and more of a prominent center structre in the main chamber. Already the map was starting to look how I always wanted the oringal to. When I had completed the basic shape and size of the map I started on putting in some aesthetic touches to improve the general look and feel of the map. When I forge a map I try to give it a scenario and a background, this makes it easier to add things in to support the idea I have. The main idea behind Poseidon is that it is a Forerunner Facility which extracts Oxygen from the ocean in order to help regulate the Arks atmosphere. To support this I have forged a number of areas with piping going in and out of various objects. I feel they look like they could serve a purpose. I have also created a center core type object which looks as if it powers the whole process. The main cored room is positioned as at the lowest part of the map as is accessed via openings with shield doors and small window slits. The center area is surrouned by long hallway which stretches the circumference of the lower level. This hallway houses Red and Blue spawn areas which both face the center. If these two spawn areas are north and south then the two power weapons can be found at the east and west sections of the walkway. I have deliberately put the key weapons and spawn locations on the lower level in order to mix the combat up. If you take the high ground you will not be able to defend it for a prolonged period of the game as inevitably the lower team will have access to the more powerful weapons. Map Specifications Map Name - Poseidon Author - Paranoia UK No. of Players - 12 Max Recommended Gametypes - Team Slayer Supported Gametypes - All Team and FFA except those listed below Unsupported Gametypes - Invasion, Infection, Stockpile and Race Weapon List 8 x DMR 4 x Needle Rifle 4 x Plasma Grenade 2 x Magnum 2 x Plasma Pistol 2 x Plasma Repeater 2 x Spiker 1 x Needler 1 x Sniper 1 x Rocket Launcer HD Overview Video YouTube - Poseidon HD Overview Video.wmv Pictures Download Here
im really liking the way you implemented the tin cups into the shield door. pretty original twist on a classic idea. also a big fan of your enclosed light source. The way it looks dimmed/faded by the window pieces surrounding it is aesthetically pleasing. And also, your antenna, small structures are pretty damn cool too. I'll be playing it and getting back to you if enjoy it.
Thanks man I hope you enjoy. Ive really tried to balance the Aesthetics and Gameplay with this map, if i get anymore feedback i will do a version two is neccesary