Am New Member In ForgeHub Forums And New User Of Forge . It Is My 1st. Map, and I hope they like - PORTAL - Map Variant By: evolution1206 Description: Covenant Portal Abandoned, Players: 2-5 Gametypes: FFA (5 players) , Team Slayer(2v2), Odd Ball, Capture The Flag, Asalto, And King Of The Hill Weapons: Batlle Rifle x4 Asault Rifle x2 Mauler x2 SMG x2 Shotgun x1 Plasma Rifle x2 Sniper Rifle x1 Granades: Plasma x5 Fragmentation x5 Pinchuda x2 Power-Ups: Energy Absorbetion x1 Regenerator x1 Pictures: Download Map! Comment And Rate Rating Please ;-)
I haven't seen it before so i dont know if you stole it, but whoever did make it made a sick map. Looks awesome, is it perfectly symmetrical?
Awww... I thought that this was a remake of Portal, the game by Valve software where you have to overcome obstacles using a gun that fires portals. Just curious, could someone actually forge a map that simulates Portal gameplay using tele nodes and timed map events?
i have never seen this map before so if you did steal it good job or if it was made by someone else goodjob to you by the way the pics are small make them bigger
i think this *is* the stargate one, he did what most people always do, take a part of other peoples map and make their own off of it, its cool, but it shows a lack in effort,