This isn't my map, but another users map. I figured out how to solve it and another guy asked how I did it, so I made a video of how to do it. CnC, pweez. PORTAL 2 - Solution to Laser Emancipation: Advanced Version (custom chamber)
It was moving a bit fast on some times to really know what you were doing. If you Commentated it, it would be a bit better IMO. The quality was great aswell and there wasn't any real problem with the music.
Might have to put some annotations in there then to explain some of what I'm doing. I sped it up because it was a bit long at normal speed, and I took out the audio because it wasn't synced properly when I recorded it for some reason. Thanks for the feedback.
Well i figured that was the reason why it was sped up, but it seemed a bit too fast at times cause you knew what you were doing and was already doing those fast.
Ok, added annotations, but the video isn't embedded anymore. Let me know if they're explanatory enough. EDIT: Hmm, it's now embedded, but the text size has changed to the size that's in use on Youtube. I can't fix it for some reason, so if it's too small I'm sorry, but you'll have to watch it on Youtube. Weird.