Ive only got to play one game on here Altough it was amazing, territories seemed well suited for this map. Plus a good amount of consideration for jetpacking players, always a plus in my book
I had a match on this recently and it was amazing. The bases are extremelly well balanced, even when red team held out down in there base it was so much fun overthrowing them. One thing I noticed was that it has a very similar shape to Zanzibar which is awesome because. Lets face it zanz is awesome.
Awesome map and great video Psychoduck, nice to see a good set of forgers and a solid testing community here with just about a week left until Halo 4 comes out. I'd love to be a part of the testing as you guys always have great looking maps. I look forward to seeing all the talent we've all gained using the forge on Reach and how it will play into new custom maps in Halo 4. Hit me up on live if you ever need an extra player, my GT is SaVaGe ExtenZe. Cheers. [br][/br]Edited by merge: I was able to get a game on this today and I must say it would have been great to see this map in matchmaking. So much fun! We had a 4v4 game and it was still pretty hectic. For a minute I thought it wasn't BTB due to the fast pace of the gameplay. Great job guys