is it me or does anyone else notice that this site is all about popularity. what i mean by this is more of the higher ranking members of forgehub get more feedback, suggestions, downloads, and overall views. Now isn't that what everyone here came for? i feel as if the community is being deprived of quality maps. no one ever takes the time to look at the pictures and visualizes how the map may play out. But all comments reside around aesthetics...yes they are important, but game-play comes before aesthetics no matter what. i don't see how hundreds of quality maps are being passed up because they don't have an amazing feature in them. im not saying all maps without an amazing feature are good either. i guess the real question forgehub doing its on bumping with inside? isnt that one of the rules?
Agreed. Maps should be based on your theory. I hate features. All of them look awesome and amazing. Sure maybe even jaw-dropping but I think it would open up a new crowd if we just based it off the core gameplay. Hopefully this happens in the future.
i mean i thought thats what you played a map for was the game play...and if all people care about are aesthetics shouldn't all the maps be in the aesthetic category?
I guess its true, if people dont know your know your name, they generally dont bother with your maps. But that can be said about most things in life... you have to stand up and make a name for yourself. A lot of the "popular" people here are popular for a reason, they have worked hard to not only create quality maps, but improve the site in general.
well that may be true but what is sad is not allowing the community to do the same. dont you agree they should give most a chance? not just ignore them in general. i mean why post if i know im not going to get anything positive out of it.
Some people become president, but there are many more hobos claiming to be veterans. One thing you can be sure of is that the president didn't arrive at that position by sitting on his lazy ass all day. Deal with it
People know my name, But that because I a totally asshole. But thats pretty much what I discovered about 2 year ago. People always go "Hey i know him, he's so and so. He made alot of amazing maps!". I don't want to go any further. Im close to getting banned. So. Getting banned from flaming isn't my top priority today. I also agree with the picture!
deal with it? whats sad is comments like yours like you have done something or forged something worth calling a map. please tell me your accomplishments? im just trying to improve this site.....instead of making it feel like bungie's punt system on the community slayer maps.
Well, this site has over 50,000 members, and while many of them are not active, plenty of them do post maps. I dont see anyone willing to wade through every single map that is posted here, but many do try thier hardest to post as much feedback is possible. I dont think there is any conspiracy to keep new forgers down, its just there are too many maps and just too little people willing to help out with feedback. Many people just post thier maps and just expect a flood of responses without working to get thier name known. Thats not how it works
Technically True! My Accomplishments: Ah, yes I created some amazing maps in Halo:Reach.... I need to stop forging and get a better education.
inferi~ its funny how the higher members tend to post on eachothers maps? when they could post on others aswell? [br][/br]Edited by merge: did your map get popular because it had a ton of aesthetics or because of quality game play? because i have yet to see a map have any comments on forgehub about how it played out from randoms who downloaded it. [br][/br]Edited by merge: maybe i will get popular if i continue about getting popular
Alright, you want they cold, hard truth? Its because they dont care about you, or your map. Nobody here really does, and absolutely nobody is going to hold anybodies hand to help them out, especially with hundreds of map submisions daily. Thats life for you. I agree it can be hard to get your map known, and sometimes its a futile attempt. But I blame nobody and I dont complain, I just work harder to promote my map and make better content in the future.
Uhh I've seen well known members (Titmar and TSB to name a few) post on maps that aren't made by popular members. So you're wrong on that one buddy. It's not the well known members job to go around posting on every single map that's released. Most people post on maps their friends made because they've played the map several times and they know that the map plays well. Not every map is going to get a billion replies once it's released. You want your map to get good replies? Advertise it in your signature, post a preview and get it tested. THEN you might get some people interested.
FH's (and my) [un]official policy on the claim that popular maps rise to the top while less popular ones aren't given any attention to is simple. You're mad because you're stuck at the bottom of the community's pyramid right now. Yeah, it sucks. But the point is to work your way to make it to the top. Everyone that is at the top now earned their right by constantly and consistently forging good maps, not by complaining that the system is unfair.
that is not true there is a lack of looking at a vast majority of the maps instead a handful. i posted a remake of foundry with pics from both halo reach and halo 3 and they were nearly identical. it was a good remake and it clearly did not rise to the top as you say please take a look here......
A pictures worth a thousand words nemi. 1. When did I say I am an accomplished forger. 2. Even if you want replies, don't post the same map twice unless it's significantly updated. 3. I haven't forged any slayer maps in a while since I moved on to bigger things, so you'll have to excuse me if the completion date needs to be a bit late, but I think this calls for a forge-off. Set the constraints as you wish. Edit. Foundry was a terrible map to start out. No one wants it remade when you can make something original.
What can you possibly expect to be done to fix the problem? You can't just say, "Okay, everyone should stop paying attention to specific Forgers and instead spend your time looking at every other map that comes your way". To effect that, you'd need to find some way to completely anonymize map submissions, but the idea of anonymizing maps is backwards and ridiculous. People spend time and effort to make maps. They want and expect praise from the community in return. You may not like the idea that those that make themselves popular so their maps are well-received, but I'm sorry, that's just how our economy works. If you're not spending the time to make your map post just as amazing as your actual map, you're not caring enough.
foundry being a terrible map is a matter of opinion in many cases its the time and effort put into the map please lets have a forge off.....maybe this will get me popular therefore get quality feedback? theres no need for me to set the constraints i go above and beyond when i forge [br][/br]Edited by merge: are you trying to say my map post was poor? please tell me what i didnt do that everyone else did? and focusing your mind on certain forgers doesnt innovate ideas toward yourself