True BARRICADE is my best thought out map, I even built it high enough so that you are limited in your jumping ability so there is absolutely no chance of grenade jumping out of the map. But if you check out the GameType I created for my Map Pack... Its an Infection gametype that limits your jumping ability as well and still allows you to have a fun gaming experience throughout each map. understand that I am the only person making Aesthetic maps with multipurpose games in mind... It is difficult to meet every need and still make it impossible to get out of the map. I havent played a Infection game yet online where I wasnt able to get out of the map.. I guess the best reason I have for leaving those areas open to everyone to get out of the map is simply this... Sad to say there is 1 Phantom Spawn point outside 2 of my maps that for some reason or another I can not fix... so incase someone spawns outside the map and refuses to come back in to play... I allow you the chance to go outside and kick his a$$. Thanks for stopping by.
I personaly like the water way dam the most. I looks the cleanest to and most playable. Good work on this map pack keep it up.
I'm stupid!!!! I saw all three of these maps and posted on two of them and I just realised that you made all three. I like all the maps although they are a bit bumpy, but the fact that they are that complicated I can forgive the bumps.
Bumps? well Im sure you did comment and see two of my maps before, BARRICADE and RESERVOIR. PORT CANAVERAL is a new addition that I just made. I posted it as a map pack, because they all interlock through their backstories. yes they are a "little" bumpy because thats NATURE man... the grass, ground, rocks, mountain terrain... that stuff isnt smooth. So enjoy my maps beautiful detail and appearance... My maps actually look like what I say they are. Thanks for the feedback.
These look spectacular I am downloading Barricade right now EDIT: I downloaded Barricade. The interlocking is really nice and the water looks cool. The only bad part about it was it is its small 9/10
Im glad to see everyone is getting something good out of not all, then at least one of these maps. Thanks for your support, tell your friends and be sure to check out my other variants.
wow looks really fun nice use of shield doors as water. all maps in the pack are made very well. good job
I agree with everything (positive) said here. it looks great. 10/10 overall. great interlocking and forging. i can't wait to release my map, except it probly won't be as well accepted.
I live in Orlando, I grew up in Cocoa Beach/Cape Canaveral Florida. Lived here for 24 years... I tend to write about places Ive lived, visited or have family in... Spartan Highway took place in Orlando Florida, Reservoir took place in Athens Georgia, Port Canaveral takes place in Cape Canaveral Florida and Barricade is a Dam based out of Nevada. Thanks for such great feedback everyone, play my maps and tell your buds to Download.
These maps are amazing. I love the way they look. I interlocking looks sketchy and that is what makes the maps so perfect. I just love the style. These maps should be featured. Now, about the gametype. I had to change it up a bit. I don't like the 10% damage resistance to the zombies. That's a little to low. I just customized that up a bit, so I could enjoy your maps more thouroughly.
They all look very well done. My favorite is definetly port canaveral. Good interlocking and I love the inside of the frigate.
Be sure to stop by RonJons... Everyone else does, anyway... thanks for the feedback, suggestions for future maps are welcome.
Everything sounds good fellas, hit me up with a invite and we can play some infections games on my maps.