
Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Wienermelon, Apr 27, 2011.

  1. Wienermelon

    Wienermelon Forerunner

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    Hi, this is the preview thread for the map I am working on. Right now it sports the name Ponderosa (Cuz it sounds Cool). It is a reimagination of Beaver Creek.
    "What makes this map Unique from others," you may think. "There are already thirty of these."
    Yes there are alot, but I've been working on this for a long time and it is slowly getting better. It offers similar gameplay to the original, but has been totally warped.


    This is the overview. It has a pond instead of a creek (hence the name), and that is only one of the many differences.


    Here is the center bridge. This is the quickest way to cross the pond, but is more open. As of now, there is an overshield.

    Here is the basement. I've replaced the little tunnels with an under ground bunker. There is a one-way-shield jump to get up the top level.

    This is the ground level. That hole drops down to the bunker shown above.

    This is the roof. Like the original, it gives you a commanding view of the map but leaves you exposed. It is very easy to get up to, so don't worry about camping.


    Here are the good old teleporters.

    Good old classic Sniper on the rock formation. You can jump from the bridge to here!

    Shotgun spawns right underneath.

    Last but not least, the rocket spawn.

    Anyway, I hope you like it it. Also, it is still in the testing phase so here
    Ponderosa Beta

    Feel free to try it out. I should post it here within two weeks so yeah.
    But please don't comment and tell me to change stuff if you haven't played it.
  2. Berb

    Berb Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I dl'd and looked around.

    I love it, I love the bridge, I love the bases, I love the circular ramps ping all the way around. When are you posting this?
  3. Wienermelon

    Wienermelon Forerunner

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    Thx. I'm not sure when yet. I've got the aesthetics down good, but there is still a couple kinks in layout and weapons. If you'd like to help me test, my GT is Wienermelon.

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