Policy of Truth: Relevance

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Organite, Mar 31, 2010.

  1. Organite

    Organite Journalist
    Senior Member

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    The Series: 1.)The Floor | 2.)Relevance | 3.)[thread=97737]ABNEGATION[/thread] | 4.)Debacle | 5.)[thread=100866]Insipid[/thread] | 6.)[thread=103323]Centerpiece[/thread]


    I don't really have much to introduce for this map.
    It'll mostly be covered in the post.
    If you're looking for a more straightforward approach from The Floor then Relevance is for you.
    Oh, quick note though: If you already peeked into my fileshare and downloaded this before, download it again. Several changes have been made to increase playability and overall difficulty.

    That aside, here is:




    Day 2, Entry 1:
    I don’t know what’s worse: Dreaming what should be reality or living what should be a nightmare. Last night I managed to sleep for truly the first time since I killed my wife, and I only drifted off to see her face again in my delirium. Even after I awoke this morning I tried to trick myself into thinking I was still asleep just so I could live a normal life just a bit longer, but my efforts were fruitless as my visions fizzled away. I was once again upon the world that had forsaken me.
    I laid on the cold, hard floor in that circuit room wondering what every person who wasn’t infected was wondering: How did this happen?
    My thoughts are so scattered. All I can think about is what we suffered through the day before: the clustered streets, the dank sewers, and that insane monster with the laser cannon. It is funny to think that the weapons developed to combat the virus would eventually be used by it to render its prey helpless. Knowing that they can use weapons is rather haunting within itself. Open areas and distance used to be an advantage we possessed over them, but now it seems they can even use that against us.
    One of the others managed to rig a time switch to the door blocking our way. He says it’ll open one minute after we open the circuit room back up. I didn’t see why it couldn’t be opened from safety in here. Apparently it has something to do with the switches being blocked and, well, I don’t know. I do know that the rest are itching to get to the other end of the highway so for now this is all.

    Government Procedure: Highway Safety

    Hello citizen,

    As you have no doubt heard, there is an epidemic sweeping the nation like a bratty popstar.
    The symptoms of this disease involve foaming of the mouth, hunger for brains, extreme aggression, and now affects 50% of the population. Just so you know, that means that every 1 in 2 people is more than likely a zombie.
    Knowing that your ass could be grass at any moment, naturally you want to get outta dodge. Well, so does everyone else.
    In order to avoid being trampled, run over, punched in the throat, or accused of zombification you may want to follow these guidelines we, your benevolent government, have laid out for you.
    Yeah, that's right, we're still benevolent.

    get to walkin

    1.) Wait Your Turn

    To regulate traffic through the highway, prior to it being sealed permanently, the entrance will be opened and closed at regular intervals of 60 seconds. Yes, 60 seconds may seem like forever when infected are pouring in from all directions, but we believe you will pull through. Running in circles can be more beneficial than you think. Once the entrance has opened you are free to pass. Do not touch any of the opening mechanisms or alter the seals in any way. Violation will result in being kicked into the hole while we scream, "THIS IS SPARTA!"

    this seems familiar

    2.) Stay On the Path

    Upon entering the highway you'll notice there is only one way to go. Unless you're stupid you'll go that way. Thanks to mass trafficking, most if not every resource provided along the highway has been depleted. So be aware that you will not be finding many weapons along the way...

    one way

    Off ramps and exits between here and the destination have been blocked off for safety reasons. We encourage you to stay away from off-ramps and exits because zombies seem to be able to wiggle their ways through pipes like jellyfish somehow. Or is it cockroaches? Zombies = jellycockfishroaches.

    which way?

    3.) Avoid Obstructions

    Oh... funny story. See we forgot to mention the construction at the annex to the skyscraper district. It was sealed to prevent hazardous conditions and the power was drained from it for regular maitenance, so don't even try a manual override (yea, we know one of you broke into the seal despite our warning, you bastards).
    Lucky for you, we, your benevolent government, have put our frustration behind us and have given you several low ammo weapons to help you survive as long as you can as the zombies come pouring in. You can think of this as our punishment. Oh, and be wary of oncoming traffic.

    wear a hardhat

    Oh, and if by any chance you live for 150 seconds, don't use the power cores to destroy the block off-ramp to the school. Must we re-establish the -this is Sparta- treatment?

    before 150 seconds

    after 150 seconds, wonder how I get by?

    4.) Be Aware of Your Surroundings

    Ah... the teleporter grid. Such a good thing gone horribly awry. And it's back =)
    It's relatively similar to the city grid:

    the horde cometh

    The first tele takes them to the waiting zone

    the second the the back of the highway

    the third to the blocked off-ramp

    and the last in between the construction site and the school.

    Guess we should mention we goofed on two power orb locations this time. So look out for those pissed off red zombies. We still love you though.

    5.) Stay Off Private Property

    Despite the looming zombie apocalypse, private property is still private property. Even if the owners are zombies you don't have the right to just tredge all over it. Who knows, even as zombies they may still bring the hammer down on you (hint, hint).

    the school, is that a br?!

    Once you stray from the designated path, there's only so far you can go before you are stopped or blocked again. Yes you may find some sweet weapons and a good way to live, but at the same time you may find some sweet nothing and a good way to die. The choice is yours, though we'll shoot you if we catch you.

    the lobby

    That is all we can offer you for now valiant citizen. Though your chances are survival are about 3,456,908.23 : 4 there's no reason to hold your head down.
    In fact, this is the prime opportunity to look to the sky and tell yourself, "I've done my government proud," because we are proud of you.
    No not you... sit down.
    So push forward.
    Find the joy in killing former coworkers.
    Make a hobby out of this situation and hope it never ends.
    Either way, have fun.
    And in case you weren't convinced to download at the beginning and you suffered through this awesome government stuff, here it is again:




    With love,
    Your Benevolent Government

    Day 2, Entry 2:
    As if the chances of everything going as planned were a possibility, we couldn’t get to the other side of the highway. Construction to a particular part of the road was being done when the infection swept through. This particular part also happened to be the annex to the skyscraper district which was where we needed to be. All the electric conduits had been disabled and even the guy who rigged the time switch couldn’t reroute any power before we were attacked by an infected driving an army vehicle and a powerful zombie that used blunt force as its best friend.
    Our only other option was this school that was just off the closest open off-ramp. This place is not safe. We need to get moving as soon as possible. All of them are aware of our presence and I can almost feel them closing in on us. If we cannot find a way out of this city it is only a matter of moments before we are overwhelmed. Damn, they’re already pouring into the vents ---illegible scribble---

    Oh... and one more thing to replace the conclusion:

    YouTube- Policy of Truth: Relevance

    as promised. This may or may not hint at a boss zombie.

    actually... nevermind, I've decided to put a conclusion anyway:

    Just a little bit more info on certain things I forgot to mention:
    Due to object limit and such, roofing couldn't be added to all sections of the highway. The result of this is that zombies can escape the map with some skilled slide jumps. Honestly, it doesn't matter because after 60 seconds zombies can get to any part of the map at will. I could be a **** and say if you break the map then you're stuck, but thanks to my loving grace I've created an easy way for the zombies to get back to the zombie spawn should they break the map. There is no way for the humans to get out that has been found yet. If you find one let me know.

    Also, in case you're wondering about the gametype details, they're described in snide detail in the post for [thread=97332]Policy of Truth: The Floor v2[/thread] in section 3, 4, and 5. Also, dl and comment on it if you like.

    Due to some recent games with some complete morons I realized a moronic move on my own part in the gametype:
    -Suicide penalty has gone from 60 seconds to 5 seconds (dunno what happened there.)
    -Zombies can no longer pick up weapons for 3 seconds after spawning (this happened when the gametype was still L4D oriented.)
    -Tank has gone from 2000% resistance to 1000% (I had already fixed this but some people had the old old version.)
    -Friendly fire has been turned off (surely you would know why this happened.)

    Things that may be implemented on the map itself:
    -There is strong debate over replacing the chopper with a ghost (This is a very strong debate since I like how cumbersome the chopper can be on the highway).

    I will reiterate this when I post Abnegation, but in the meantime download the gametype again so you don't experience the problems I've noticed.

    As always, Constructive feedback is welcome.
    #1 Organite, Mar 31, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2010
  2. Itz Grub

    Itz Grub Forerunner

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    Great map for PoT. There are only two problems. 1: The starting area is camping paradise (killballs)... 2: When you first enter the highway,im not sure if it is possible, but it looks a tiny bit breakable. Maybe the n00b will get smart and jack the boss ombies chopper and use it to escape. Other then that awesome job yet again.
  3. just defy

    just defy Ancient
    Senior Member

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    looks pretty lame... i can see an easy way out right off the start and the passages aren't wide enough for the chopper to move around freely. probably making things very frustrating for the driver.
  4. Organite

    Organite Journalist
    Senior Member

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    Acknowledging Grubz dilemmas:
    1.) For 60 seconds, the only place the zombies can go is to the start area causing constant pressure on humans, not to mention severe ammo limitations. Actually, one of the original big problems was humans being overwhelmed too quickly at the start.

    2.) I can't answer this one simply cos it never happened. I tried to find every possible way to break it and I found one unfixable one (addressed in the conclusion). I guess show me if you can do it.

    to just defy:
    I love your first blurt. Would you care to point out that way out? Also, the chopper is not meant to be very effective. Otherwise the driver would dominate which, in my opinion, would be more frustrating.

    Btw, have you bothered even downloading the map? I mean a lot of people kinda BS their comments like they actually played it, but you just outright rip on something without knowing how it works.

    "looks pretty lame..." - wow, that's constructive.
    "i can see an easy way out" - why would you even say that without proving it first?
    "probably making things very frustrating" - really? I got no complaints

    With that, I encourage you to try again with a little bit of intelligence and knowledge of the map in your response.
  5. RageQuit

    RageQuit Forerunner

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    Lol Jellyfishcockroaches? The forging seems fair, and fun enough. I havent downloaded the map... YET. I have one question.. though.. Can humans drive vehicles? I havent played this game before xp.. Ergg.. it looks escapable. With the brute shot you could jump over the wall at pic 2
  6. Organite

    Organite Journalist
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    Since this is a mostly positive comment it's not as bad, but you basically just did what Just Defy did.
    However, I have tried to escape this map using everything. The gravity is so high that not even brute shot jumping will work. On top of that, the brute shot is at the very end. It seems unlikely someone would backtrack to the near beginning to even try (and fail) without dying or using the 6 shots alotted with the brute shot. Then, on top of That, the only way the zombies can get out is with well executed slide jumps, and they only have 150% gravity vs. humans at 200%
    And humans are able to drive vehicles.

    oh and it's jellycockfishroaches btw =P

    Read the very bottom of the post to get info on the gametype itself.
    The best thing to do however is DL the map and gametype and actually experience them.
    Then, by all means criticize (or compliment =D) to your heart's desire.
  7. mooman219

    mooman219 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Lol When in doubt, Smack The gravity Out to numbers unheard of!

    No but what if a person got atop of a chopper and then used a brute shot?
  8. Organite

    Organite Journalist
    Senior Member

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    Again, the sheer distance between these two things discourages even trying something like that.

    In order for this to happen the player would have to first, hijack the chopper from the boss zombie, then wait out another 30 seconds for the final area to open up, proceed to the Brute Shot, backtrack to where the chopper must be abandoned, then (upon it luckily not being destroyed or despawning) drive it to the beginning of the highway, park it, and finally execute a perfect Brute Shot launch over the wall all to accomplish being the target of zombies who could easily pursue you, and with you only having 5 Brute Shots left (at most) and whatever's left in your other weapon I suspect you'd die rather quickly, and all your efforts would be for not.

    I will investigate this, but I have never seen it as a blatant gameplay problem. Much less, I've never seen a human actually escape the map at all in its current form.

    Budget restrictions and preserving the intended play of the map make fixing something like this quite difficult. If it can be done at all and if it can be done to affect gameplay then by all means prove it to me.

    I guess it was my mistake to make this map prior to getting the OLN Budget Gitched Canvas. Otherwise there would be roofing everywhere and theories like this couldn't arise.
    Silly me.

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