Pokemon Center Slayer #2

Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by darkholegames, Sep 26, 2011.

  1. darkholegames

    darkholegames Forerunner

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    So I decided to make another Pokemon center for people to battle inside of. The first one is also on my file share but I am going to showcase this Pokemon Center instead. Now this one is based off of the Black and White version. It is a small map but its still very fun :)

    Here is where the blue team spawns. No one gets spawn killed. There are teleporters in both chambers that lead you upstairs in the center of the map.

    Here is where the red team spawns at. Now it is exactly like the blue side.

    There is the center of the map. There are two receivers and then one teleporter. That middle one leads you to the front door for a quick escape. Upstairs you have the concussion riffle. Below where the pokemon get nursed is where you can find two frags and two plasmas. You will also find a health pack.

    Now to the left you will find grenades, needle rifle, dmr. To the right you will find a plasma repeater, grenades and a grenade launcher.

    Well that is it :) I hope you enjoy playing on it!

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