1: It's really not that different. I'd look at version exclusive pokemon, and see which you prefer. 2: All attacks are now either physical or special, and so they're based on the attack and special attack stat respectively. (Beforehand, each type of attack was either physical or special, not the individual attack). You can also Double & Triple battle. That, and rotation battles, but they're essentially single battles.
I've got an extra vullaby if anyone wants one, but I going to need a Rufflet or Braviary. I also have a Zorua, but I'm going to need a really good offer. I have Black and if anyone wants a black only pokemon I'll be happy to get you one for a white exclusive pokemon.
Yeah, I could get you some starters. I have everyone except Mudkip. I didnt get too far on my third HeartGold playthru, so I never got a chance to get it from Steven. I would appreciate it if anybody could hook me up with one I also need a Vullaby, I havent fought a trainer who owned one yet, so I cant GTS it
1) If you're talking between Black/White or HeartGold/SoulSilver, then go B/W hands down. Between Black and White, just look at the list of version exclusive pokemon and pick which one you like; you can access Black City/White Forest on both games, with the help of someone who has the other game. 2) A few big changes have been made. Some old attacks have been tweaked slightly, there's a buttload of new attacks, an attack's physical/special property doesn't rely on it's typing anymore (ex. Fire Punch is now a physical attack as opposed to a special attack) and this has lead to many old pokemon getting better/worse, plenty of new items, oh, and there's 649 total pokemon now.
I'll take a ruffle, my friend code is in my sig. I'm in a town right now, so I'll be waiting in the Wi-fi room (middle person), once I get your code.
Klaydude, if you gave Inferi your last Vullaby, I'm sure he could breed it and trade me one, but I would still like that Goth thing, if you're still up to it. Nevermind!
I found a list of all the unobtainable pokemon in Black and White Most of them are the Legends, but there are alot of regular pokes in there too :/
As far as B/W go I loved it, then it ended. As soon as the area where the old pokemon were introduced I stopped playing. I loved the new feel and with them back... it felt like a area that Nintendo just threw together with little dedication. At least in HG theres loads of nostalgia, this is great but they should have kept it all new pokemon. my opinion at least. also, if anyone needs any white-specific pokemon Im willing to help, just send me a message.
I almost forgot about that goth pokemon. Ill trade anyone some White exclusives. Putting my friend code in my sig isnt a bad idea
I would get Gold first. It would be refreshing to see familiar pokemon in a game you already know and love that has aged really well with the additions Nintendo's made in the remake. This also allows you to get acquainted with the new additions that 4th generation of games has brought since the Gold/Silver era (2nd gen). If you still enjoy playing pokemon after Gold even with the additions, and feel like another is worth getting, opt in getting Black or White (white is better /not racist).