So I just got a shiny chikorita lol... I was so surprised to see it pop up on screen I did a double check and then was just like, lol k. Anyway, Im actually getting excited for B&W. The starters have grown on me more, and I think I like them a lot more now, cept for the otter... I really don't like it.
I have looked and looked and looked,but with no success. So i have come to ask an important question....... Can you get shinx/luxray with night slash AND ice fang? please say yes.
Did you get it from an egg or were you SRing for it? I'm getting excited for B&W aswell. I have the same feelings as you do about the starters aswell Pigglez. Grass and Fire get a thumbs up. Water is getting no love from me at this present time. I just looked over at and looked at the most recent articles. I'm very interested in seeing just how much more interactive this game is than the previous games. I like the fact that the Pokemon will now move in battle too. Supposedly Corocoro will be revealing another Pokemon in next months issue along with other new screenshots from the new games. Back to HG now. Since Weavile is my favorite Pokemon at the moment and I think mine needs a waaaaaaaaay better moveset, I'd like some ideas for some new moves. It's current moveset is: Icy wind Ice Beam Dark Pulse False Swipe I really only used False Swipe for the hard-to-catch Pokemon or the Legendaries but I think I'm just gonna train up another Pokemon that can learn False Swipe and just use that.
I SRd for it. My second shiny HGSS silver (first was my cyndaquil= TOTODILE YOURE NEXT! lol) Took only around 1000 SRs, which is pretty low for an SRd shiny. I think SRing for the starters is easier than a normal SR as there are three you can get. Anyway, Yea, B&W is looking like it will be amazing. Im still not sure the pokemon will be amazing, though they are growing on me, but the scope of the game will be revolutionary. And for your Weavile, I'm not amazing with making good movesets, so take this lightly, but if it was mine, Id replace Icy Wind with Shadow Ball or Brick Break, probably the latter but idk... Then Id get rid of False Swipe for something like Poison Jab. But again, I'm not sure, so you might want someone else's opinion who has more experience in making good movesets.
I know this is a looong shot.. But does anyone have a Female, Modest, Serene Grace Togepi up for trade? Male will do.. but I just cannot get hold of one haha.
Mine's Male, bold and Serene Grace. I can try breeding it and get what you want if you offer something good.
I got you, buddy boy. My preferred set to run is a standard swords dance set, it works great especially if you're not worried about priority users and it being outsped. It goes a little like this: Weaville @ Life Orb/Expert Belt/Lum Berry Jolly Nature EVs: 40 HP/252 Atk/ 216 Spd Ice Punch Night Slash Swords Dance Low Kick/Brick Break Moves: SD makes this set obriously. You'll want a turn to set up so run this as a lead when predicting SR or send him in to force a switch. Ice Punch and Night Slash for STAB obviously. Now you got a choice here w/ Low Kick and Brick Break. Most threats that will warrant a Low Kick are above the weight threshold to make Low Kick the better option (it can have a base power of 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, and 120, based on the foe's weight), but the option to tear down Light Screens and Reflects, as well as the consistent 75 BP isn't bad either. More than likely, though, Low Kick will serve you better. Plus, after an SD, you're gonna be tearing people down left and right period. Items: Now here's where you need to make some choices. Life Orb will put your attack VERY high, but there's the chance you'll recoil yourself to death. Expert Belt isn't a bad option for a little extra kick if you don't want recoil. Lum Berry is a viable choice if you wanna come in on something like Blissey who will try to T-Wave you or put you under some status condition, giving you a free turn to set up an SD (actually in most cases possibly two) unscathed and then do work.
I can pretty much get all pokemon up to Gen III - My LeafGreen was just a massive Pokedex haha. (Didn't actually buy D/P.) Shines included! Movepools, not so much, but I can also give fairly good items/TMs/Masterballs away as a bonus? Name a Pokemon and nature (Lv too?) and I'll try and get my hands on it.
So I gots this Charizard and I need some help with him. Charizard - LVL 44 Slash Flamethrower Fire Blast Wing Attack Stats: ATK - 88 DEF- 90 SP. ATK - 126 SP. DEF - 95 Speed - 107
I'm not too sure about the fire pokemon. The pigginess is not as amusing to me. I might go w/grass. And that one dude in the video looked like Hitler.
Yes, that's going to be epic. But now the pig looks fine to me. It looks like awesome smiley. --- Anyone mind critiquing my Charizard?
Thanks for that V, I appreaciate it. After watching that video that Red Army posted along with the batch of pictures. There is a 100% chance that I'll be getting these games on release. Watching the Pokemon move in battle looked sweet as hell. It's good to see them changing the way battles occur without doing something too major. I finally managed to chain my first shiny. I got a level 4 Shinx I'm leveling it up now and then I'll hopefully chain some more shinies and trade them to HG.