Pokémon General Discussion

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Randle Scandal, Mar 19, 2010.

  1. SpartanJediMan

    SpartanJediMan Ancient
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    #901 SpartanJediMan, Apr 30, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2010
  2. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    i would replace it with sneasel, or anything really. articuno is my favorite pokemon ever, but its just not very good in a battle.
  3. SpartanJediMan

    SpartanJediMan Ancient
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    Lolz, my ditto has been breeding so much recently that it must be a dried up poor creature by now. Seriously, how long can he go?
  4. Benji

    Benji Ancient
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    I had like a level 90 ditto in Emerald Version.
  5. halo kid

    halo kid Ancient
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    Im thinking about making this my battle frontier team,tell me what you think.

    Metagross-adament-shell bell
    -meteor mash
    -zen headbutt (or any decent move suggested)

    Yanmega-timid-scope lens
    -shadowball (i couldnt find anything better)

    -shadow sneak

    and for an experiment..........

    Arcanine-modest-heat rock
    -morning sun

  6. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    metagross is always a safe choice. im not too experienced with yanmega or dusknoir though.

    my most recent team:
    azelf-psychic, flamethrower, grass knot, and nasty plot with expert belt
    scizor- bullet punch, swords dance, bug bite, superpower with life orb
    tyranitar- earthquake, crunch, stone edge, and dragon dance

    all with good natures, IVs, and EV trained well.

    it worked pretty well. got me to about a 40 streak in the wi fi rooms.
  7. Orange

    Orange Ancient
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    Would anyone want to do a small casual pokemon tournament today and/or tommorow? I have nothing to do till reach beta.
  8. Gr4phix

    Gr4phix Ancient
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    Anyone know how to CORRECTLY* play Pokemon D/P/Pt on NO$GBA? I hate using the actual handheld because it takes 50x longer to grind. I've changed my settings on my NO$GBA so I can get to the Main Screen (Press Start to Play, or w/e) but then it just goes... white. Completely white, and it stays like that. I've tried two different ROMS but...

    EDIT : I got it!! :D NVM <3

    EDIT #2 : Ok. . . now every time I'm in the first battle with Barry, and his Piplup uses Growl, it freezes and won't work.
    #908 Gr4phix, May 1, 2010
    Last edited: May 1, 2010
  9. Randle Scandal

    Randle Scandal Ancient
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    You gotta search for a patch for the ROM, just google patches to fix the white screen and/or freezing so you can play it.
  10. Prosper

    Prosper Ancient
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    The whole fun of pokemon is the interactions, though. Roms leave that out. =(
  11. Xang

    Xang Ancient
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    Hey guys, do you think Drapion is a good pokemon to have? I really like it just because nothing is very effective against it and I really like its sniper ability to make moves that are x2 effective x3 effective instead. I was going to make it my poison type but I was also thinking Roserade, what do you guys think?
  12. Orange

    Orange Ancient
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    No he isn't. Ground.
    If that's your thing do spiritomb or steel types.
    Poison is rarely helpful
  13. Xang

    Xang Ancient
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    I just like how he looks a lot, although im stuck on which pokemon to choose for my team. I need 2 more pokemon, either a dark, grass or steel type but I have no idea what I want. Maybe I`ll get a shuckle just for kicks, I`ll teach it power trick and something like focus :punch: :D
  14. V

    V Ancient
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    Drapion's not really a good choice at all. Sure he looks beastly but Sniper isn't a great ability to bank on for one. Two, poison is effective against grass and thats it, and grass types aren't that fearsome. Three, he's weak to ground and has extremely frail defenses; how many pokemon with sky high attack have access to the move earthquake I ask you? A lot. Drapion = bad choice. Take the Roserade. Although if you posted your team I'd be able to give you a little more advice.
    For Metagross, I run:
    Metagross @ Choice Band
    Adamant Nature
    Meteor Mash - STAB and power
    Bullet Punch - STAB and priority (great for quick revenge clean up)
    Earthquake - because its earthquake
    Explosion - kills/severely weakens anything that scares my team

    The fact that your Dusknoir lacks Will-o-wisp and/or Pain Split is a wee bit odd. I'd run:
    Dusknoir @ Leftovers
    Impish Nature
    Will-o-wisp - because it can spread burns like no other
    Pain Split/Fire Punch/Thunder Punch/Shadow Sneak/Ice Punch/Earthquake
    Pain Split/Fire Punch/Thunder Punch/Shadow Sneak/Ice Punch/Earthquake
    Pain Split/Fire Punch/Thunder Punch/Shadow Sneak/Ice Punch/Earthquake
    Pain Split - its a recovery move with Dusknoir's low HP
    FP/TP/IP - solid physical attacks depending on what kind of coverage you want/need
    Shadow Sneak - STAB and priority
    Earthquake - because, again, its earthquake and Dusknoir's attack is better than sp. attack

    Can't say I know much about Yanmega's and Arcanine's. Although you'll probably wanna drop roost. Yanmega is frail, you won't have much time to recover. Put in Hypnosis or Hidden Power [Ground], if you can.
    Is this in-game or for battle tower/metagame battling? If it's for the former, its not bad; if its for the latter, we got some work to do.
    #914 V, May 2, 2010
    Last edited: May 2, 2010
  15. Xang

    Xang Ancient
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    My team right now is not that good but its...

    Electivire lv.63
    Politoed lv.62
    Altaria lv.63
    Gallade lv.62

    And like I said before, I still need 2 more pokemon.
  16. Orange

    Orange Ancient
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    Empoleon or registeel would be cool. Then maybe a ground, garchomp? I'd say switch out Gallade for metagross. I have a level 73 one, I'd trade it for something of worth.
  17. Chron

    Chron Ancient
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    Ign's what we want in "Pokemon Black & White
    Has anyone else read this article? Some of the suggestions are good (flying Eevee FTW) but some of them aren't needed.
    As much as I'd love to go to every single Region, I really doubt they'd be able to fit all that into a single DS game.
    The PC system has no problems with it all in my opinion. Although if they updated it I wouldn't mind.
    Customizable players seems fine but customizable Pokemon is absurd. Dyeing Pokemon a different color? Seriously?
    I honestly don't see how they could make a Pokemon on the DS like that. I'm hoping to god they never make the battles 3D. I'll make sure I never purchase those games.

    On another note, I finally have a Pokemon for my 6th slot. Metagross :D
  18. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    It's mostly for in game. I'm not too in to the competitive battling and the like.
  19. Randle Scandal

    Randle Scandal Ancient
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    For the flying eevee, most likely if they were to add another Eevee it'd be much more bad ass than that, it'd be a Dragon Eevee. Why? Because so far all eeveelutions are based on special types not physical types.

    The customizable pokemon idea worked up until dyeing, then it got absurd, but other than that, when I put a silk scarf on my pokemon it'd be cool if you could see it wearing it.

    If it was possible exploring all regions would be handy, but it's not. Although they should consider making a larger game for the Wii in which you can travel to each region, I believe that would be extremely successful.
  20. V

    V Ancient
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    The dyeing is a little over the top, but what Randle said about accessories would be pretty neat. I've always wanted to play every region but I know unless they move it to a console we'll never see that happen.
    As far as story line goes, and this is with my want for an inclusion of every world, make a Wii game that holds true-ish to the anime. You play as Ash and you start off in Pallet Town and advance all the way through Kanto, Orange Islands, Johto, Hoenn, and Sinnoh. ****, you could even visit Mewtwo's island, Latios' and Latias' island village, Celebi's forest, etc. as side quests. But make it like a big RPG similar to Final Fantasy in longevity.
    I like the idea of each pokemon holding an HM move in like a separate, non battle slot.
    As annoying as geodudes and zubats can be, I feel they're a staple to cave enviornments, getting rid of them would almost seem wrong.

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