Pokémon General Discussion

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Randle Scandal, Mar 19, 2010.

  1. BlitzFighter

    BlitzFighter Forerunner

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    I'm pretty sure it's in ecruteak city in one of the houses near the gym.
  2. V

    V Ancient
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    Ampharos has good stats, but a lacking move pool. Jolteons, and Magnezones are the two best electrics not named Zapdos to battle with. And Weavile (Sneasel's evolved form) is one of the best revenge killers/late game sweepers in the game with extremely high speed and attack.
    I'd drop Charizard for a Salamence, preferably a standard MixMence set or a DD Mence set (read about it here Salamence (D/P) - Smogon University) and I'd drop Luxray for a Magnezone instead of an Ampharos; it has a better movepool plus it destroys other steel types and still has a great special attack. Also what role is your Gardevoir playing out of curiosity?
    For sneasel, teach it Swords Dance, Ice Punch/Ice Shard, Night Slash, and Low Kick. Have it hold a Life Orb or a Focus Sash. Life Orb is for pure power whether you can set up a swords dance or not at the cost of recoil damage, which makes ice shard a better choice since you won't get outsped by anything. Focus Sash so you're guaranteed a swords dance and then can proceed to sweep through a lot of pokemon. Also, expert belt is another option to consider if you dont have problems setting up a swords dance.

    For Aerodactyl, you have a couple options to go with here. For one, he's the single fastest stealth rock-er in the game without choice scarfs. Just some food for thought there. If you're gonna go for all out physical sweeping, then you'll probably wanna run Earthquake, Stone Edge, Aqual Tail, and Fire Fang with a Choice Band. Takes some prediction but it gives you great coverage and is good for revenge killing. A third option, is the possibility of a Substitute + Roost combo backed with his speed and Pressure. From there, you can put Rock Slide, Earthquake, Whirlwind, and/or Stealth Rock in there and go for an annoying stall set room for a little offense.
  3. R Richard P26

    R Richard P26 Ancient
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    It's hard to go wrong with Aerodactyl, I had a level 66 1 hit KO a level 100 Charizard with Ancient power(The move is weak but it's added affect rocks if it happens) so definately keep rockslide on it, and I recommend you swap dragon pulse for double edge if it has rock head as it's ability (no recoil so the move dominates)

    The set I had on mine was:

    aerial ace
    ancient power
    double edge
  4. BlitzFighter

    BlitzFighter Forerunner

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    Thanks, I was thinking about putting a dragon type in my team and I had forgot about Salamence, so I'll probably switch those out. I'll probably put in Magnezone too. Do you have any suggestions on what to teach Magnezone? Would it be a good idea to teach it magnet rise or no? About Gardevoir, I was going to teach it Hypnosis, Psychic, Focus Blast/ Shadow Ball, and Thunderbolt/ Thunder wave. Originally I was going to use a Gallade, but I used one in my old team so I wanted to switch it up. What would you suggest to replace Gardevoir with? Thanks again.

    @Chronik: I got a swarm of luvdisc today and so far I've gotten 14 heart scales (captured about 18), I can trade some if you want. My Friend Code is: 2579-5655-0415
    #424 BlitzFighter, Apr 5, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2010
  5. Agamer

    Agamer Ancient
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    I found this to be quite interesting and funny at the same time...

  6. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    Well, Jolteon has better special defense and speed but ampharos has better everything else. Depends is you want to attack first or take more hits. And magnezone isn't the easiest thing to get considering you need diamond or pearl or get it from GTS. And weavile is great for what you said but they die pretty fast.
  7. V

    V Ancient
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    In regards to Magnezone, it all depends on how much you fear the other team using Earthquake to destroy the poor guy. Although usually he's used as a steel trapper, revenge killer, and lastly, one hell of a bomb. The most popular set to run is Flash Cannon, T-bolt, Hidden Power (Fire), and Explosion. You could have him hold a choice scarf to outspeed some pokemon by surprise, choice specs to raise that sky high special attack, or life orb for more power if you don't wanna be locked into a move and don't mind recoil damage.

    For Gardevoir, the best set in my opinion is Will-o-wisp, Wish, Psychic, and then either Shadow Ball, T-bolt, or Focus Blast (use whichever you need compared with the rest of your team) holding Leftovers.
  8. BlitzFighter

    BlitzFighter Forerunner

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    thanks again for the advice. How do you choose the type for Hidden Power though? I've never been able to figure it out. With Gardevoir I'll probably go with Focus Blast since I already have an electric type. Plus I plan on teaching Roserade Shadow Ball.
  9. V

    V Ancient
    Senior Member

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    It depends solely on the IVs of a pokemon. The IVs determine its base power (10-70) and its type out of all 13 types. In all my time on platinum I only caught two magnemites whose IVs allowed for a Base 70 HP Fire. If you want I can trade you one if you'd like.
  10. Gr4phix

    Gr4phix Ancient
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    Breed your Roserade and send it to me, not now though. Homework.
  11. BlitzFighter

    BlitzFighter Forerunner

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    Well I already have a couple of Budew. They are levels 5 and 6 if you want one of those instead.
    #431 BlitzFighter, Apr 5, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2010
  12. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    added scizor to my team. swords dance + bullet punch = domination.
  13. Orange

    Orange Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Meteor mash is better
  14. Xang

    Xang Ancient
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    Im taking a break from SS and playing red on my GB color. It is actually very fun to play even though you can hardly see the screen >.<
  15. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    only 2 pokemon can learn it, metagross being the only steel type that gets the STAB. i prefer scizor. its typing is better. plus bullet punch always hits first.
  16. Randle Scandal

    Randle Scandal Ancient
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    Any Zangoose lovers in here? I decided they looked cool, and they got a pretty high attack so I messed with them and found that with a Jolly nature, combined with a swords dance, they are freaking awesome.

    A sword dance and then a max happiness return makes him a force to be reckoned with, clearing through the elite four like they were nothing.
  17. V

    V Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I'll take a SD boosted STAB priority move (Bullet Punch) any day considering Metagross rarely attacks first. Each one has their pros. Since both pokemon have very good attack it just comes down to a Base Power 60 priority move before STAB (gotta love Technician) or one of the most powerful Steel attacks (I don't say the most powerful because Gyro Ball can max out at 150 Base Power).
    #437 V, Apr 6, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2010
  18. Klaydude11

    Klaydude11 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    So here's my team:

    Infernape - LVL 88
    Close Combat
    Blast Burn (gonna switch w/overheat)
    Grass Knot (so I can pwn quagsire)

    Luxray - LVL 100 (legit)
    Iron Tail

    Suicune - LVL 83 (was HM slave in Pearl)
    Ice Beam
    Rock Climb

    Palkia - LVL 83
    Earth Power
    Draco Meteor
    Dragon Pulse (wat do with this?)

    Lugia - LVL 76 (had Pokerus)
    Hydro Pump
    Ancient Power
    Tell me what you think and what I should do.
  19. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Get rid of ubers, they're lame.
  20. Klaydude11

    Klaydude11 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ubers? I think I know what you mean but I really don't have anything to replace them. Or anyone at all. I dunno where to train.

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