Point System Slayer - 2-12 players - FFA or Teams - Competative Point System is a gametype I got from the whole "Credit" thing, where you get extra credits for doing style kills. Point System is essentially that. You kill people to gain points. But you gain a few bonus points for killing with style, like sticks, assasinations, ect. The following scoring metrics are: Kill: 10 points Death: -5 points Suicide: -5 points Betrayal: -5 points Leaderkill: 2 points Headshot: 2 points Pummel: 2 points Assassination: 5 points Splatter: 5 points Sticky: 2 points Spree: 2 points So those are how points are assigned. There are some other game options that may be helpfull to know. -The score is unlimited, but the time limit is 10 minutes. -Respawn time is 5 seconds, but for 2 seconds you have 300% shield resistance. This helps prevent spawnkilling. That is all you need to know about Point System. It is a fun Slayer variant, for those who enjoy a creative spin on regular competative slayer. You can always edit the options and loadouts. The main focus is the scoring. Have fun, download comment and rate please!