Sandbox Pneumonia

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by MattKestrel, Jul 16, 2009.

  1. MattKestrel

    MattKestrel Ancient
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    General Overview

    Basically, Pneumonia's a symmetrical, epic, 2v2 banshee deathmatch arena, of sorts. Players are split into two teams, defenders and attackers, who each start at their own (pretty small) base. Here, you'll find two Banshee spawns on each respective base, as well as various weapons and equipment to help you out. Most of the gameplay will likely take place around the two bases and their respective sniper outposts, and in the middle area as both teams try to secure the spartan laser, amongst more useful equipment. Naturally, this map can't support more than 4 players in total, but I'm pretty sure 4 banshees is enough fun without it descending into chaos. I've tried out loads of times in 1v1 duels, and even though there are plenty of counter-weapons against the banshee, I've found that a ground/air skirmish is as balanced as an air/air one, given the large amount of cover for the banshees to use to their advantage.

    This is my second map, so don't expect massive forging prowess or perfect balance. However, you /can/ expect a reasonable amount of fun going in a heads-up duel or co-oping with a teammate. And you can probably expect a follow up in the coming weeks. So there :)

    Weapon Layouts

    2 Sniper Rifles / 120 R-Seconds / 2 Clips : These are found on the sniper outposts, which are pretty well protected from the banshee when used defensively. Although a sniper won't do a lot of good against a banshee, there's some plasma grenades if things get sticky, and it's a pretty good position to take out any laser/missile-pod users. Alternatively, you can go straight back to the base, which gives a better view of the central area, but has difficult cover to use.

    Red Sniper Outpost


    NB: Since the map's symmetrical, I'll only post the spawns/bases of the red base. There isn't much point in wasting even more of your bandwidth for the same image.

    6 Brute Shots / 60 R-Seconds / 2 Clips : Although you'll get these as default weapons on the attached Spartan Flu variant (more on that later), there's still plenty lying around in case you need a quick refill. You'll be using them a lot to get around the level, when you don't fancy risking a banshee on a tiny rock. Generally, pick one up before you go in a teleporter, if you don't fancy a grenade jump. They're also fairly decent against banshees (if you can dodge pretty quickly) and fellow players, if you can get close enough.

    1 Spartan Laser / 120 R-Seconds : This is the main power weapon for foot soldiers here, found in the center of the map. If you can secure this, and get yourself to the sniper outpost somehow, you've got a couple of kills in the bag. It also has a long respawn time, so don't waste it falling off the map and stuff.

    Spartan Laser Spawn


    NB: The Spartan Laser remains in the same place in the updated version, but the brute shots have been moved to the blocks surrounding it, as well as the new trip mines.

    2 Missile Pods / 120 R-Seconds : These are found at the top of the central tower of each base, but unless you want to do two brute shot jumps whilst your friend tries to secure the laser alone, it's probably best left alone until later in the game. You'll respawn halfway up later on anyways. Surprisingly, these aren't as effective against the Banshees as you'd think, seeing as there's lots of cover to block missiles with. Generally, you'll find they're useful if you make sure you're close enough for a quick hit. Or if the pilot's crap, idk.

    Red Base / Missile Pod Spawn


    4 Plasma Grenades / 30 R-Seconds : Pairs of these are found at each sniper outpost, primarily to fend off surprise attacks, although if you can get there, they'd be useful in securing the laser later on. You can also set up sticks pretty well given the cover.

    2 Power Drains / 60 R-Seconds : These are found at the bottom of each respective missile spawn. The chances of actually catching a Banshee with this is slim, but you can use them as a tactical advantage if you're waiting for a banshee to respawn.

    2 Trip Mines / 60 R-Seconds : As stated before, these are found on the blocks surrounding the spartan laser points. Again, you won't snare a banshee with them (unless you're SuperChrist) but you can definitely use them for a tactical advantage.

    In-Depth Walkthrough

    Each teammate sparks on one side of the main corridor on each base, although occasionally you can have two people spawning brokeback style. This initial bit lacks some cover, which isn't a problem at the start of the game. In fact, you'll more likely use this to your advantage later if you're holding a power weapon, as it's got quite a good view of the level.

    Then, you reach the main area of the base, which contains the two banshees, the power drain and the missile pods, as well as some backup brute-shots. You'll either respawn here or at a sniper outpost, so make the most of the surroundings. You can go behind the pillars in the banshee section, which is certainly useful when you're trying to hide from a rogue banshee. However, you can't leave without a banshee, so try not to leave them all in odd places.


    More on the teleporter later. Once you've got the banshee, you can land pretty much anywhere you like. At the start of the game, you'll either stay in the air and try and knock out the opponents quickly, or you'll land and try fervently to secure the laser and other things. From the spartan laser spawn, you've got three options. You can either stay there and support your team mate on ground, you can get your banshee and fly around some more, or, particularly if your banshee was destroyed or you cocked up the landing, you can use the man cannon to get to the teleporter area. Please, enter the man cannon straight on, or you'll likely fall off the level. Seriously, it gets annoying after a while, so here's an advanced warning.
    There aren't any weapons and there isn't a lot of cover on the teleporter platform, so there's not a lot of reason to stay there unless you've got a power weapon. Even then, it's not got a particularly good view. So you'll probably go through the teleporter. Do not fall or jump into it, the momentum will make you fall off the level at the other side. Instead, fall onto the ledge next to it, and edge into it. You'll need a brute-shot to get up the other side, just so you know. It's kind of a balance thing, preventing you from camping at the sniper outpost with the missile pod, or revisiting with both the splaser and sniper. And it's kind of lazy forging. You could have just brought the banshee.


    At the sniper outpost, you'll find a sniper rifle (well, duh) some plasma grenades, and a man cannon to get back to the main base. You'll also respawn here occasionally, so unless you're desperate to get the sniper first, you can just wait until it comes to you.

    On top of all this, there's a columnish thing in front of each base, blocking off the LOS to one of the banshees and preventing spawn camping with power weapons. However, you can also land on it, and going inside the tube, you'll find one of the best hiding spots in the game. However, there's fusion coils inside, so dispose of these first or prepare fro a nasty surprise when you're discovered...

    Well, that's about it to the level. Please, level suggestions on how to improve for the next version, which will be a merger of this and sandstorm, on the ground level of Sandbox. Here's some action screenshots, hopefully good for a laugh or two.

    The V2's also been finished, and I've addressed the main issues pretty well imo. I can't be bothered to update the screenshots, but it hasn't been completely revamped, and there isn't much aesthetic difference.

    • Walls are higher in front of the banshee spawns, preventing spawn camping unless you can get to the opponent's pillar, and then you only have access to one.
    • Pillars have been added to each base, so that you can access the top level without an initial brute-shot jump. However, one will be required to reach the missile pod. Fair trade-off, imo.
    • Teleporter receivers at the sniper outposts are higher, and no longer require a brute-shot-jump to escape from.
    • Teleporters have been added, allowing direction access between the main base and your pillar. If you've got your brute-shot, you can actually go in a loop between your base, pillar, splaser spawn and outpost without getting in a banshee.
    Blending in with the crowd.


    Stitch this.






    Missed me! Oh...




    Strike a pose.


    Two-pronged attack.


    That's my foot, *****.


    It all started with coffee...


    Why skyjacking works.


    Catch Pneumonia V2 here.

    Incidentally, why not try out Spartan Flu, the custom 2v2 variant designed for Pneumonia? Here's the changes listed below. Trust me, no gravity or damage mods, or flamethrower starts.

    • A match consists of 3 rounds, each of which last 5 minutes. However, if one team somehow reaches 25 kills, the round ends immediately, with a victory for them. The whole rounds thing is mostly to combat the unfortunate situation where a banshee hitting the ground level doesn't get destroyed, and stays there without respawning. Although you can still destroy it with a well placed stick or laser shot, rather than wasting your ammo, just don't waste the goddamn things.
    • Because it's so easy to commit suicide by accident on this map (mostly falling off teleporters, man cannons, and sending the banshee too low (as a rule, try to stay above the splaser spawn at all times. You can't go under it)), there's no point penalty for suiciding, and the respawn time is only 8 seconds as opposed to 5. On the other hand, betrayal results in a 20 second respawn. As if losing a teammate wouldn't hurt your score enough...
    • Since there's so much cover, splattering someone with the banshee is pretty tricky. Hence, if you do it, you'll get two points for the kill instead of one. So if you happen to see someone flying through the air... BAM!
    • Finally, you should note that the default weapons are slightly different. You start with a BR primary, because an AR pretty much sucks in a number of situations on this map, and a Brute Shot secondary, because there's a lot of complex platforming to be had, and they look cool when stored on person.
    Have fun! Catch Spartan Flu Here

    #1 MattKestrel, Jul 16, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2009
  2. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Wow, this is very close to something I'm going to post as soon as I get a banner done... Good job guess you beat me to it.

    3/5 because I honestly think it could be better. (Less brute/grenade jumps)
  3. Fruitista

    Fruitista Ancient
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    wow this map is original for sure and i am definately dling it. i am fu***** in love with banshees and i will totally **** the **** out of anyone on this map!!! i also like how it is sortof a challenge to get the spartan laser first. overall nicely forged but what if the other teams just controls the game and starts spawn killing the other team and their banshees. thats the only thing i would improve: give some cover to the banshee spawns
  4. MattKestrel

    MattKestrel Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Okay, the V2's finished, and I've addressed the main issues pretty well imo.

    • Walls are higher in front of the banshee spawns, preventing spawn camping unless you can get to the opponent's pillar, and then you only have access to one.
    • Pillars have been added to each base, so that you can access the top level without an initial brute-shot jump. However, one will be required to reach the missile pod. Fair trade-off, imo.
    • Teleporter receivers at the sniper outposts are higher, and no longer require a brute-shot-jump to escape from.
    • Teleporters have been added, allowing direction access between the main base and your pillar. If you've got your brute-shot, you can actually go in a loop between your base, pillar, splaser spawn and outpost without getting in a banshee.
    Catch Pneumonia V2 here.

    Spartan Flu gametype remains unchanged.
    #4 MattKestrel, Jul 17, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2009

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