Plz Remove , Sry for the inconvienace

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by KingxCloud, Aug 11, 2008.

  1. KingxCloud

    KingxCloud Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Plz remove this thread....
    #1 KingxCloud, Aug 11, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2008
  2. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    Hey! Welcome to Forge Hub! We have rules about posting maps, which you can find here. Here at Forge Hub, a crucial part of map posting is having one embedded pic. To do this, here's a tutorial:

    First, go to to your page. Find the Screenshot Viewer, and double click the screenshot which you choose to upload. When you do this, an option should pop up asking you what you want to do with the file. Your screen should look like this:
    Click Save to Desktop, or wherever you would like to save it to.

    Next, go to a site like Image hosting, free photo sharing & video sharing at Photobucket to host your image. If you do not have an account, create one. When you have your account made, go to your photo album. There is a blue bar that says "Choose files" that should look like this:
    Click that blue bar, where the red arrow points to(arrow added for dramatic effect). Upload from wherever you saved the file.

    Now, after the file has uploaded, scroll down the page to your picture's thumbnail. There is a list of options, like this:
    Copy the highlighted link, or direct link where the arrow is. And yes, that is Chris Hanson

    Last step is coming back to here, where you enter the final direct link into the code( [ img]link[ /img] ) without the spaces. Hopefully, that helps you out. Any questions, PM me

    To find the rest of the important rules here, click this link.

    You have 24 hours to fix this thread, or it will be locked. No one else post about it not being up to standards, or a mod will be contacted. Thank you.
  3. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
    Senior Member

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    If anyone posts without aiding him, I will eat you!!!!

    TO add pictures, Simply...

    Start an account at ( I recommend it because I know how to use it)
    Then Save pictures on to a folder... make sure to save the bigger ones.
    Upload them on to your photobucket account, it should be easy.
    Then copy and IMG code located somewhere on the screen.
    Paste it here and you got pictures.

    I will be coming back... If you add the pictues I wll edit this into a response

    Dam YOu Norlinsky!!! You got first post with a full explanation... Aww... Oh well
    #3 RadiantRain, Aug 11, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2008
  4. KingxCloud

    KingxCloud Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    There is that better? and I would just like to say: " Holy @#$% that was fast, jeez I posted it like 3 mins ago..."
  5. Umup0

    Umup0 Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Looks well made, nice job.
  6. KingxCloud

    KingxCloud Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    The weapon placements i set where horrible, had to place them many differant times...
    #6 KingxCloud, Aug 11, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2008
  7. Saint Prodigy

    Saint Prodigy Ancient
    Senior Member

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    looks like a pretty cool map i like the sniper tower were the powerup is and i also like the way you made your lifts. great job on this map keep making more.
  8. KingxCloud

    KingxCloud Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Yeah, I actually have to fix the mancannon that goes to the powerup... I'll do that in the V2
  9. Arch3m

    Arch3m Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Sorry for calling you out, but I believe you have stolen Promenade, one of my favorite maps. Pretty easy for me to spot this, since I play on it often.
  10. KingxCloud

    KingxCloud Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Hmm... Maybe your right... I doubt it was intentional though... I have had this map on my harddrive for quite sometime... I made some personal changes too it so I mistook it for something I made... I Give Full credit for construction too - Backwards Logic, Map was Edited By KingxCloud74

    I do Not "Steal" ! Its was just a simple mistake...
    #10 KingxCloud, Aug 11, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2008
  11. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I'm afraid that you're not allowed to use someone's map as a basis for your own work without their prior consent, and so you really shouldn't have published this without gaining the original author's permission first. I understand that this is an apparent mistake (seems like a pretty large thing to forget though..), but the rules still stand. Unless you gain permission for using the original map and fully credit the original forger in the opening post then I'd suggest that you ask for this thread to be removed.
  12. KingxCloud

    KingxCloud Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I have sent him a PM I think... again I'm sorry if you guys think I "stole it" to me its just an edited version of a map I DL'ed ages ago... and I dont even think it was that guy I DLed it from...
  13. Backwards Logic

    Backwards Logic Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This 'version' has one change to it. Other than that, this is the most blatant map stealing I've seen to date, and I'm not being bias because it is my map. I am requesting the moderators please lock and delete this thread. Unbelievable. For the original version, Promenade, please see the link in my signature.

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