Okay i feel at graphics to tell the truth... n i bit off more than i could chew so plz HELP.... so im doing a class called leadership and long story short were making a game board i said i would do graphics n peices n stuff hopinh i could run a program which i can't... now im in a group of 3 n i dont wanna ruin or grade... So can someone plz... make this for me in photoshop and make it look nice and colorful and straight and such... if u make 1/7 of it you can rotate and past it 7 more times... here is my TERRIBLE example of what i would like... OKay so there is a trail aroun the big circle with 12 spaces between it. The spaces are worth the amount of pts in the order above... basically they move around the board answering question when they get enough pts... the go back to the 7 habits circla and win... A LOT like trivia prusuit. Its for a book we read called the 7 habits of highly affective teens... and basically i want it to look like a game board u would want to play and give a 30/30 on for creativity lol... i have peices #1-7 as game peices and a card design... They start in the 7 Habit circle and return back to it... going clockwise earning pts till they get to 500 then race back to the 7 habit thing... so i would like 12 spaces between the 7 roads and the roads w/ 3 lose your turn squares... with those values... and dont do like 1st where it says first... do First and not Ur do Your... and what not... i was running outa space on some n i no i mispelled understand... LAWL... Thank you... so much who ever actually helps me... and plz dont let this die... i will do something for u... i will do like nething in my power... PLZ keep this thread alive i really need help...
your example is a little confusing can you try to explain a little more clearly? oh and by the way you use "..." ALOT lolololol
oh ya, can you give it a lot of color... and fade down so it looks cool also.... if ne one would freakin even look in the post..
Why the **** would we want to do your homework? Just by reading through this, it looks like you need to worry more about your english.
ok i think ii will try this how big do you want it? EDIT: nevermind its gunna take too long and i have other hmwk i gotta do, sorry man.
Sorry if i have angered you... while that is a very good point ive run out of options... and so i have nothing left to resort to... and hopefully some1 just wants to help me out... Im not a slacker... and i do my own homework... and by not being a slacker and being an over acheiver i norm. sign up to do EVERYTHING so soomeone else doesn't slack... and thats wat i did here... and now im BONED... so i was hoping that some1 would be nice and do something they can do in like 10 mins that would take me a month... specially since i dont have photoshop... if you dont want to very well... and i dont need to work on english lol... and dont post something highlighting all my mistakes or something lol... tho i would chuckle I truely dont care... EDIT... I really dont care... nething will make me happy... bout the size of a normal trivia prusuit or ne other board...
I'm with LOCKdown on this one. You should learn tutorials and asking us about ideas on how to do this, not for us to do it for you. Also, stop using elipses when you don't know how to use them. Commas would have worked much better then the elipses, most of them anyway.
i dont think ur understanding... i dont have photoshop... i have paint... that is it... trust me if i had it i would have a pretty nice little game board infront of me already... and i would have asked for ideas if i needed ne... i was planning on building a mountain with a trail and the squares and all on it b4 i realized we were having study hall today lol... also its a habit tht i have instead of commas and periods. something i picked up texting for the last four years. **notice the period, im on my way to recovery already. Thanks for giving my typing new direction
Then get GIMP or do the thing that many, many Photoshopers have done... Also, you thank me for the tips yet you do not lessen your usage of the elipse.
lol, lets stay on topic here. I didn't no there was such a program. One minute please... (used to sho passage of time) and thats because i typed it; then decieded i might actually try to change. Its a small habit few have commented on. And i am starting to change though i bet it will return. Look for it, and tell me to stop. lol.
I did b4 yout wasted my time with this post. And very funny. I actually chuckled. No i didn't that was stupid. and im trying to learn the ropes right now.
actually its going terrible. I think thats the nicest thing u've said so far lol. If thats nice kthxbia
You do know that it's an "ellipsis," right? You shouldn't jump on him if you don't know what you're talking about, either. An "ellipse" is an oval. I'd probably make this if I had more time, but I have a busy week ahead. When is it due? I'm sure they won't blame you if you just tell them it didn't work, since they surely can't know how Photoshop works.
well its due on Mon or tue. I think but my group prob. wants to see it lol b4 im like SUPRISE. lol ya i noticed that too. Well i dont know how it works nor own it lol. I have started GIMP but i will not be able to satisfy myself with such a small knowledge of it. And from what i know its highly unpractical to do what im doing w/ it tho ima NOOB. Its been awhile since i could say ima noob lol feel good putting myself down lol. if u would help i will build a memorial in my backyard and you can see it 6 months after its done on GOOGLE EARTH lol :>
How do you expect to get 30/30 with that English? How do you pass class' with that English?!?! Anyway... why don't you just do it the old fashioned way... Like I did when I had to make a board game? By drawing it! OMG, drawing it?!?! Yes, like with a pencil and Posterboard.
Lol im an "A" student and i dont see bad english apart for "..." and if thats what your tlking about then why did u even post that comment b/c its worth to this thread was none. Also, I'm not drawing it because i want a 30/30 lol WOW OMG I NO DIVINE INTERVENTION. you better was your eyes out with dirt now. NEWHO, now im also typing the rules for my shitty group lol. This week i need to due my board game build a rube goldberg study for our finals (which are going to be very difficult) and go to Holiday.