Description PLH is a new game type I have made which is very similar to MLG it is a little more Noobish than MLG because of the weapon list. but it still is fun. The Weapon List(For the 2 bases) x3 Maulers x4 Brs The Weapon List(Power Weapons) x1 Regenerator x1 Sniper x1 Spartan Laser x2 Smgs MAP LIST 1. Corrupt 2. Narrows 3. Construct 4. The Pit : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing PLH Corrupt The Alb1n0 Supported Gametypes: PLH Slayer Map Description Corrupt is a competitive map that has a lot of cover. There are three levels of fighting and there are many little sets of ruins to take cover Now here are some pics. Each side is completely symmetrical. : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing _________________________________________________ Overview Base 1 Base 2 Sniper spawn PLH Narrows The Alb1n0 Supported Gametypes: PLH Slayer Description Narrows is probably my favorite PLH map. It has some great cover in some spots but none in some other spots. Each side is Symmetrical with weapons and scenery. : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing _________________________________________________ Overview Base 1 Base 2 PLH Construct The Alb1n0 Supported Gametypes: PLH Slayer Map Description Construct is a symmetrical map. It has some special features like when ever you are going to go kill someone who went up the yellow lift you can go across a bridge. SECRETLY. : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing _________________________________________________ Overview Base not pictured in overview Splazer Spawn PLH Pit The Alb1n0 Supported Gametypes: PLH Slayer Map Description The PLH Pit is like the standard Pit except it has some new floors. I used a lot of Floating Pallets. It also has 2 elevators. : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing _________________________________________________ Splazer Spawn Base 1 Base2 Please Leave comments and criticism.
i like the construct map a lot, its pretty cool the bases look great and nice use of floating objects in ever map what does plh stand for btw?
All four look really nice. I havn't seen people make floating platforms to add more space to levels often, and you did that the best way. The construct one looks really nice and so does Corrupt. This will really change the gameplay to those levels. Keep these maps coming! 5/5
im glad you did a map pack instead of bumping everyone down to the bottom doing this individually! anyways the maps look very good and i am also happy that most of them arent done on foundry
it looks pretty good although on some maps not enough pics but still cool i like how u made them on orginal maps too. gareat job
If making another one of these maps, I would say Isolation or Guardian are your best choices. Floating pallets would work well in parts of those levels I'd think.
sweet maps i now what you mean by it not being MLG becuse of the spartan lazers. great though, keep up the good work up! 5 OF 5
I don't think it is a noobish weapon list. You have a lot of MLG weapons- BR, Mauler, Sniper and just SMG and Splazer. However, SMG takes a bit of skill to use effectively unless you dual wield lol and laser takes some skill when you aren't shooting a vehicle. I actually like this a lot. Great job man and good maps you picked.