Its a 3 minute video guide of a new map I have just created and badly need suddgestions if I should bother finishing it (just needs weapons and spawns) HALO REACH MAP PREVIEW‏ - YouTube Please try your best to finish the video as it shows a few things that may occur on it etc... but basically is it bad? worth finishing? If its worth not just deleting then do you think anything should be changed and any weapon suddgestions? I appologise in advance for asking so many questions and taking your time but I really need help here, thanks guys!
I'd say trash it and start fresh, not that it's bad but there's potential even though this map itself doesn't seem great. Either way, when you start another or decide to fix this one up, here is a list of things to keep in mind. 1: There should (in most cases) never put an area of a map only accessable with gravlifts, teleporters, or jumps. This doesn't only because camping often but can cause your map to lose a lot of it's flow. 2: Usually try to stick to a 3 entrance and exits to every area of your map again for camping and flow reasons. 3: Filters aren't usually good for competitive gameplay. 4: If you insist on adding/keeping the banshee in your map, make sure to use proper balancing of both weapons and cover because banshees can easily over power a map. Those are the tips I thought you should know to improve your map or to atleast keep in mind for future projects.