Hey everybody! Thanks for looking, and I want to tell you about this cool new idea I had! While the map isn't done, nor have I actually started on it, I have all the ideas generally mapped out. The game is VIP, one sided, and the humans have to protect themselves from the covenant. I wanted you to actually feel like you were an elite in the covenant, so the better you do, the higher rank you get. Ack! Just look below. :lol: What it is:The Elite Minor How to achieve rank: You begin the battle as a minor. Additional powers: Fairly normal in all respects, basically like playing slayer. As nothing is final, slight variations in shielding might occur. Ranking: Level 1 What it is: The Elite Major How to achieve rank: Survive for 1:00 or 1:30. Time is not final, that's why I have you guys. Additional powers: Slightly faster and noticeably stronger than the minor elite. The minor and major are by far the most common soldiers. Ranking: Level 2 What it is: The Elite ZEALOT (Oh yes) How to achieve rank: Become the MVP of your team. if you are at the top of the scoreboard, you are a zealot. Fight hard with honor and keep your rank! If you die as the team zealot and respawn while still holding the rank, You get a sword! Additional Powers: Much faster and agile than previous ranks, and much stronger. A mini tank! Ranking: Level 3 NOTE:Appearance not final! What it is: THE ARBITER How to achieve rank: Simply enter the shrine of the arbiter and grab the custom power-up. It last 180 seconds, and takes 180 seconds to respawn, so only one arbiter at a time! Plus, there are swords in the shrine of the arbiter! Grab one, even if there is no power-up. Additional powers: Basically a zealot, with faster speed and slightly better shielding. Not a huge step up from a zealot, but still better. Ranking: Level 4 Tell me what you think! Suggestions? Thanks! Oh and to clear up any confusion, ANY TIME YOU RESPAWN AND ARE NOT THE LEADER OF THE TEAM, YOU ARE A MINOR AGAIN. The ranks don't carry through deaths.
If you set leader traits (Zealot) to spawn with sword, it will not change in the middle of play. But if you die and respawn while still the leader, you get a sword to spawn with! Other than that, no forced weapons. If you want a sword, you go to the shrine of the arbiter to get it.
Using advanced spawn settings, you start as a minor. if you can survive for around a minute, then the settings kick in. you become a "Major" because you survived long enough.
The maximum duration for a custom powerup is 90 seconds. Also, will the respawn and leader settings not also affect the humans?