I have been searching for a forged Foundry map titled "1v1 Tourney". It is a game & gametype for up to 8 people. The map is divided into four overall sections with two people spawning in each section. Players have 45 seconds to kill each other before the map changes to create two overall areas where the winners of the previous area battle for the final 1v1 of the round, again after 45 seconds. I cannot find this map anywhere. I was hoping someone can link me to the map/gametype. I apologize if this is in the wrong forum.
You would be looking in competitive maps then, and its ok, but next time if you have a question, customer service will probably work much better. I'm pretty sure you know where to find competitive maps, if you do not, feel free to say something, I will help you out!
I appreciate the response. I have scoured countless map forums for this one particular map, not just any competitive map. I didn't want to post this question in a thread that consits of actual maps. I am close to simply forging a bigger, better version. Thanks
Cardo please only make one thread when posting a thread....if it's in the wrong or inappropriate place a mod will move it for you...Just don't post the same thread twice...I won't -rep you since you're knew.
Uber-apologies for the multi-post. I did it because my first reply poster suggested the Competitive map forum and the Customer Service forum. Those are the only two places I posted the inquiry. Please delete the two threads in the wrong forum, if you haven't already done so. BTW...I have searched B.net, google, fhub, mlg, and a few other smaller sites. The search criteria returns results for actual 1v1 tournaments in Foundry. I have a feeling it's in there somewhere, but I've come up short. I will be making my own version hopefully tonight, I'll be sure to submit it on B.net and Forgehub.